Example sentences of "not know what i [be] " in BNC.

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1 For those who do not know what I am on about , why not pick up a Birthday Scheme Leaflet and make it your resolution to support the Medical Work of the BMS in the New Year .
2 ‘ I do not know what I am thinking .
3 ‘ They are my punishment ; but I do not know what I am being punished for .
4 ‘ Jay , right , he can not know what I 'm talking about , say you 're distraught , acting irrationally , suffering from bizarre flights of fancy .
5 If I said , ‘ It looks blue ’ but otherwise seemed incapable of colour discrimination , of being able to respond differently , verbally and in other ways , to differently coloured things , and , particularly , of being able to tell when other blue things were present and when absent , then people would rightly suspect that I did not know what I was talking about , that my experience could not really be of its looking blue .
6 ‘ Then , of course , I did not know what I was signing . ’
7 I was so young and foolish and I did not know what I was doing . ’
8 ‘ I do n't know what I am , ’ said Robert .
9 I do n't know what I am looking for , and I do n't find it .
10 I do n't know what I am doing .
11 I do n't know what I am doing .
12 Now the funny thing about it , when I took metallurgy I got , I , I got all this process I knew all about it you know , and er I had it the theory explained to me then , but er I was in the Bell one day about twenty years ago and an old boy came in and I started talking to him and he says , I bet you do n't know what I am ?
13 You do n't know what I am .
14 I do n't know what I am
15 I do n't know what I am .
16 I 'm being trained tomorrow , so I do n't know what I am yet 'til I get my
17 Jay said : ‘ I do n't know what I 'm doing , it 's never been this way before , ca n't go on anything else , but this time I 'm not going to fuck up . ’
18 ‘ Do n't know what I 'm doing boring you with all that .
19 Oh well , if you do n't know what I 'm talking about , it does n't matter .
20 ‘ Of course they did n't say that , ’ said Nigel as if to an elderly sloth suffering from senile decay , ‘ but it 's no good me saying , ‘ Sinister , dexter , sinister , dexter , ’ because they wo n't know what I 'm talking about , will they ?
21 I do n't know what I 'm going to tell them .
22 ‘ I said , ‘ I do n't know what I 'm supposed to be talking about .
23 Sorry , the only one I eh , I eh got this idea was when I first took this up I went into the hut in the town , and I picked up the booklets , you know that they have on the counter , and in one of these booklets it had that the vet 's were now I do n't know what I 'm , I 'm very lost for everything like this , but they 've kept and therefore if your animal needed , your pet needed treatment it would be done by the private vet 's and eh , mon the money would be re would be reclaimed by the vet from the R S P C A , and I think that gave to erm .
24 Doohan , who speaks most disarmingly of his riding technique — ‘ Really , I do n't know what I 'm doing ! ’ — employs the front end slide technique to a monster extent on four-strokes .
25 " But you do n't know what I 'm like .
26 " My Lady — I — do n't know what I 'm accused of . "
27 I went in there myself one day for a packet of sunflower seeds for the hamster , and he says to me , I do n't know what I 'm going to do , Mr Epstein , when she comes in here with you over her shoulder . ’
28 I think , as a student I do n't know what I 'm gon na do and with the present erm grant system and bursary system it 's it 's even more frightening because es especially towards women , it does discriminate against women and that 's why less women are going into higher education
29 Did n't know what I 'm supposed to be doing with that .
30 I really do n't know what I 'm saying . ’
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