Example sentences of "not always [be] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the past , such building work has not always been completely destructive , but modern techniques of construction usually require deep foundations , totally destroying any underlying sites .
2 Egypt had not always been so welcoming .
3 The incidents and memories have not always been so uplifting , however .
4 She had a tin of photographs which she would browse through , reminding herself that life had not always been so humdrum .
5 Those under threat in the cities have not always been so lucky .
6 In opera , the Mariinsky has not always been so illustrious , but in recent times , particularly under the directorship of Valery Gergiev , standards have risen beyond recognition .
7 She recognised that her son had not always been as attentive as expected towards his wife or the children and that he spent too much time with friends like Camilla Parker-Bowles .
8 They have not always been as humble as Balanchine in submitting to the dictates of the score as envisaged by the composer .
9 It had not always been as bad as in the past year or two , but this is not uncommon as-any form of fear or negativity feeds upon itself as time goes by .
10 They have not always been sufficiently quick to follow up when there has been evidence that a site has been tampered with , and certainly they have not always been keen to organise rescue excavations to investigate these sites .
11 Unfortunately , they have not always been mutually supportive .
12 The distinction between primary and secondary sources will not always be immediately obvious to the pupil .
13 We may not always be completely happy with the published data we find in the Registrar-General 's reviews but we can not accuse him of using secondary sources when his organization has , in fact , collected all the information at first hand from the people themselves .
14 Negative feedback may not always be entirely detrimental , however , since it can also spur the learner on to make greater efforts .
15 The perceptions of their interests by the two parties may not always be entirely accurate , or they may change over time , but there can be no doubt of the importance they hold for local government structure .
16 Yet Morgenthau grants that actual foreign policy behaviour will not always be as rational , in the sense of self-interested , as the second principle assumes .
17 Her presence may not always be directly accessible , and may be felt more strongly in times of crisis .
18 The research data from different countries will not always be directly comparable .
19 They may not always be too keen on having to wash with it … but give them the chance to make a big splash somewhere and they will never be any happier .
20 But if parents are not the best judge , and doctors themselves may not always be fully conversant with a real understanding of the facts , who will be the ultimate arbiter ?
21 The degree of involvement which an employee has to demonstrate in order to fall foul of this duty need not always be very great .
22 I mean personally I think one of the difficulties in the colleges is that they do still have a sense of being at schools , and when you have an atmosphere which is like school you 're tacitly given people permission to act as if they were at school , and so we have a and that activity may not always be very adult , so we have to find a way of changing the environment of the colleges .
23 The material causal links may not always be readily perceivable , but they are there all the same .
24 In stability tests on completely new products an appropriate control product may not always be readily available .
25 It showed me that d-i-y decorating and repairs need not always be so technical and difficult — and you do n't have to be a big strapping man to do d-i-y .
26 The answer is that an isolated skull can not always be so classified .
27 The change in employment may not always be so favourable as yesterday 's either , but the market is now starting to feel bullish and looking for a FT-SE of 3,000 by next year .
28 However , you may not always be so lucky and it may be necessary to return to the site the next day .
29 But it has n't always been so welcoming .
30 The place here has n't always been so welcoming , believe me .
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