Example sentences of "not only be [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Not only are they breathtakingly beautiful during the day , but they can be easily lit at night .
2 Not only are they not transparent , a property deal can be struck subject to just about anything , ’ said UBS .
3 A downward spiral of drink and drugs eventually affects both twins — Elliot believes that not only are they partly telepathic but also that they share chemical effects in their blood streams .
4 Not only are they much more numerous now , they also represent big business .
5 Overall during last year , this is to the end of , of November actually because fin figures are n't available for the end of the year , the reduction was four point nine percent , which compares with four point three percent in the previous year , so not only are they still going down , they 're actually going down slightly more than they were in the previous year and that must be encouraging .
6 Not only are they usually paid below the legal minimum — a study in 1984 showed three quarters of homeworkers in Britain were earning 1 or less an hour — but they also have to carry the overheads of heating and lighting .
7 I do n't want to buy one as not only are they very expensive but I 'm unlikely to wear it again .
8 Not only are they very much simpler to weed and maintain , but if you have a back problem they are easier to reach than if they are closer to the ground .
9 On the other hand , Tamburlaine commands great respect from his followers , and not only are they unfailingly loyal but they are also his friends .
10 Projects of the International Chamber of Commerce can usually be completed much more quickly , since not only are they less formal but they are not legal instruments in themselves , simply rules or trade terms incorporated by contract , so that the legal issues are de-emphasized and , indeed , the product is primarily the work of non-lawyers .
11 Not only are we not helped by scholastic logic to acquire knowledge of the forms , natures , or essences of things , and to see how other properties flow from them , but also it is extremely doubtful whether such knowledge is possible anyway .
12 The report also draws upon research presented to it by Professor Cyril Greenland ( reported in full in Greenland , 1987 ) and comments as follows : Thus not only are we not given a definition but we are not given any clue as to which of all the cases that come to social worker 's notice are not high risk .
13 The talks had taken place in a remarkably cordial atmosphere , and at a joint press conference at their conclusion on May 4 , de Klerk declared that he regarded the working document [ see below ] as " an important breakthrough in the peaceful process " , while Mandela said that as a result " not only are we closer to one another , but we are all of us victors " .
14 It frightens me to think that not only are we so vulnerable to these monsters but also that we are constantly blamed for being provocative or careless .
15 Not only are we rapidly filling up these refuse sites but the disposal and site maintenance is also costing us a lot of money — all from our rates !
16 Not only are you more familiar with the exercises , but your body is able to achieve the postures in a more relaxed manner , thereby increasing their effectiveness .
17 Not only are you much more likely to die from lung cancer or heart disease , but other illnesses highlighted in this booklet , including cervical cancer , are associated with smoking .
18 Not only are you much more likely to die from lung cancer or heart disease , but other illnesses highlighted in this booklet , including cervical cancer , are associated with smoking .
19 Not only are there now departments of journalism and creative writing but the academy is now a central source of employment for many writers ( as witness that modern phenomenon the university novel ) ; its members and ex-members increasingly comprise the major audience for many arts ; and , ‘ English ’ has become a theoretical subject like any other .
20 Not only is it physically dependent on older members of the species but it also lacks the behaviour patterns necessary for living in human society .
21 So it seems to me that parental investment erm theory is , is much better because not only is it universally applicable , it also explains why the sexes a are , are the way they are in ultimate evolutionary terms and that talk about hormones and sex chromosomes never can do .
22 Not only is it increasingly a recipe for lower profits but also results in higher staff turnover , struggles in recruitment ( graduates prefer the lean and adaptable to the slow and inflexible ) and a gradual loss of customers as competitors win the race to innovate .
23 Not only is it not necessary to confine sex to the bedroom , it is disastrous to associate sexual activity with ‘ going to bed ’ .
24 Not only is it not a joke , it is an example to car firms in this country and abroad .
25 This is , however , a somewhat doubtful proposition since not only is it not entirely applicable to the Nordic countries without qualification ( nor nowadays within manufacturing industry in Britain ) , but significant differences also exist even within continental countries , especially as between France and Germany .
26 Not only is it not recoverable but it has taken place at the most profitable period in the product life , before the adverse effects of ageing have affected its sales and costs .
27 Not only is it not recoverable but it has taken place at the most profitable period in the product life , before the adverse effects of ageing have affected its sales and costs .
28 The refugees kept in the camps face many crises of diet ; not only is it not balanced in some cases , but it may also not arrive on time , causing disease and death .
29 Sailing a two-man board is great fun since not only is it particularly fast in moderate winds but there is also the uniqueness of being able to share your exhilaration with someone else .
30 Not only is it ably led by the shrewd Gordon Taylor ( who perhaps ought to be running the FA ) , the players ' union also has a record which other unions would be proud of .
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