Example sentences of "not only [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The experiences of Beamish , Lane and Joseph Banister linked them not only with the anti-alien campaign prior to 1914 , but also with the anti-semitic critique of Jewish capitalists in South Africa by Sir William Butler .
2 Thus TWW had to compete not only with the mundane but necessary business skills of the Harlech consortium but with the presence of famous Welsh names from the arts — Richard Burton , Stanley Baker , Geraint Evans — and the authority of Lord Harlech himself , a former minister and Ambassador to the Kennedy White House .
3 The stipulation that the study deal not only with the environmental impact , but also with the social and economic impacts was important .
4 Although he agreed that the legend was a piece of fiction , he believed it to have originated with someone unacquainted not only with the real history of the abbey but also with history in general , probably a professional itinerant storyteller in the middle to late sixteenth century .
5 These provisions , unlike those just outlined , are concerned not only with the economic interests of consumers but also their ‘ interests in respect of health , safety or other matters , ’ section 34 .
6 By the end of the period , the professional values of English studies had been rendered synonymous not only with the central moral force of the " national character " but also with the moral worthiness of the scholar-critic ( living or dead ) .
7 The regulators have stronger powers than ombudsmen could have , not only with the new powers in the Bill but with their existing powers .
8 Husayn enjoyed the active support of the Israeli government , which proceeded to deport or detain activists identified not only with the left ( who had been the target of stringent measures before ) , but also those of the mainstream PLO .
9 However , urban commons may provide an alternative to more formal ways of treating ‘ spare ground ’ , cheaper and in the long run more popular , not only with the wild life , but with the human residents as well .
10 The conductor readily finds the music 's ballet associations , not only with the rhythmic vibrancy of The Rite of Spring , but also the neo-classical works .
11 For these had to coincide , we discovered , not only with the metaphysical and astronomical indices , as interpreted by the Toraja priests , but also with the more secular calendar of the government , which had demanded the presence of several high-ranking Javanese officials for the final events .
12 Any curriculum group that is involved in producing curriculum material for full publication on a national basis , or with commercial publishers , will need to become experienced not only with the creative part of the work but also with the administrative problems entailed .
13 He is her link not only with the British government , but with all monarchical Commonwealth governments .
14 The non-reflective consciousness of the father contrasts not only with the penetrating critical gaze of the communist narrator , but also with the smouldering rebellion of the son .
15 They contrast not only with the bureaucratic levy grant system , which used to exist , but with the Labour party 's taxation proposals .
16 The study will be concerned not only with the social processes which provoke behaviour disorder , but will also test the hypothesis that improved social and family circumstances , and a positive school environment , can effectively reduce the risk of deviance .
17 William of Poitiers strove to emphasize the nobility of the West Frankish aristocracy , by calling Guy Geoffrey the Emperor Henry III 's brother ( he was his brother-in-law through the marriage of his sister Agnes ) , and by ascribing to Baldwin V connections not only with the ruling houses of France and Germany , but also with that of Constantinople ( what he had in mind has not yet been established ) .
18 This is a set of codes which deal not only with the formal aspects of a work of art but also with its iconography and iconology .
19 This exhibition examines his impact not only on the visual arts but also on literature and science .
20 It is likely that LEAs will offer guidance to governing bodies not only on the general framework of recruitment , selection and promotion procedures , but also on the equal-opportunities aspects of appointments .
21 Maintenance of an adequate circulation to provide the means of transport for oxygen and carbon dioxide depends not only on the correct functioning of the heart and vessels but also on the presence of an adequate amount of fluid to circulate .
22 Transmission depends not only on the external relations of the railway administrations with the government , but also on their internal structure .
23 The management techniques which are the direct descendants of Taylorism and scientific management — work study , organization and methods studies , the industrial health movement , the various components of personnel management , and so on — represent very clearly a perspective not only on the individual member of an organization , but on the organization as a social entity .
24 Texts are always ambiguous since their meaning depends not only on the lexical and syntactical structure , in which ambiguity , according to Olson and others , can be reduced to a minimum , but also on paralinguistic , contextual structures , of which interpretation can never be exhaustive .
25 They have no chance of winning the title this season and in the long term they 'll struggle to win the Premier League because they ca n't compete with Blackburn , Arsenal , Leeds and Manchester United … not only on the playing field but on the financial front .
26 After all , thinks Helmut , if interest rates rise , perhaps Labour will come in , which is a soft touch not only on the single currency but on political union .
27 The rights incorporated into the private key , then , depend not only on the lawful acquisition of the private key but also upon the text of the carrier 's valid receipt message .
28 Any rise in investment will consequently depend not only on the expected level of output ( demand ) but also on the current size of the capital stock .
29 He served not only on the Royal Commission for the reform of Oxford , but also on the one that looked into scientific education , and drafted most of its final report .
30 All around him , not only on the huge main trunk of the tree but also on all the big branches that grew out of it , other tiny windows were opening and tiny faces were peering out .
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