Example sentences of "not been [verb] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 About three-quarters of pupils in the lowest third knew how many days there are in certain months , although a number of pupils when interviewed said they had not been taught by their parents or at school any way of remembering the number of days in the months .
2 Fragment RY' had not been detected in our previous mapping of the ASFV genome ( 19 ) , and it has now been sequenced with synthetic oligonucleotides in a Pst I M13 clone which also overlaps parts of RK and RE' ( Fig. 1 ) .
3 By a notice of appeal dated 7 July 1992 the husband appealed on the ground that a copy of the committal order had not been served on him either before or at the time of the execution of the warrant as required by Ord. 29 , r. 1(5) ( a ) of the County Court Rules 1981 ( as amended ) and that in consequence the order was invalid and/or defective and should be set aside .
4 That rule dealt with originating applications under the Act and provided by subrule ( 7 ) that the contemnor might be punished notwithstanding that a copy of the injunction had not been served on him in accordance with Ord. 29 , r. 1(2) and that no notice had been issued or served upon him under Ord. 29 , r. 1(4) — a notice to show cause why there should not be a committal .
5 The cruise missile also has not been tested to its full distance overland , because the United States does not have the space .
6 I know but you 've not been thinking of me .
7 I 'd not been thinking of us as boyfriend and girlfriend , you see .
8 I had not been thinking about him , I had not even seen him for months .
9 One example of this " sham reading " is brought to our notice when we realise , on reaching the bottom of a page , that we have not been thinking about what the text means .
10 Combined with my relief that a resting-place had finally been found was satisfaction that I 'd had him with me for those first few hours and that he had not been whisked from his bed by complete strangers and reappeared , repackaged , at the crematorium a week later .
11 Hence in the present case Mr. Dennis had not been divested of his interest under the joint tenancy when his wife died .
12 What a pity the invitation had not been extended to someone more congenial , such as the ubiquitous Austin Mitchell .
13 Soap stars such as Michael Cashman , formerly of EastEnders , and the comedy actor Gorden Kaye of ‘ Allo , ‘ Allo ! , have not been pilloried for their homosexuality .
14 Just as the notion of civil rights has not been fixed in its eighteenth-century formulation but has undergone continuing expansion , so too with the rights that go with academic freedom .
15 That suggestion has not been made to me .
16 " Profit " lies here also and some members of this school might have passed their lives in prim obscurity had their names not been made by their own publicity .
17 Dougal had not been listening to her for at least a minute .
18 The right hon. Gentleman has not been listening to his hon. Friends .
19 As a result , as far as farmers are concerned tree planting has not been integrated into their work patterns or land management , nor has it led to enhanced levels of interest among previous participants .
20 The information that the hon. Gentleman has , has not been confirmed to me , except in certain minor respects , but it is a serious issue with which we continue to deal .
21 City workers who had not been contacted by their own company were advised to call their normal switchboard number for direction .
22 Someone said that O had not been seen at his job in the video hire shop for the whole week either .
23 The second , however , has not been seen in our study or in others and could be related to the possibility that gastric acid secretion might not necessarily be raised when NSAIDs are taken on longterm basis , three years in this study .
24 He said he would have done considerably better had he been granted anything approaching equal access to the media and had tricks not been played against him .
25 They said that the question had not been argued before them and they expressed no opinion on it .
26 I shall , however , be content for the purpose of this appeal to adopt the narrow approach , which avoids the need to discuss the proper scope of the rule , a point which has not been argued before your Lordships and has hitherto been seriously discussed only by the academic writers .
27 A man , it is said , who had seen better days , but whose humour and wit had not been impaired by his fallen fortunes .
28 Is it not a fact that if the link with earnings had not been broken by his Government 10 years ago — indeed , nearly 12 years ago — a married pensioner would be £28 a week better off this April ?
29 But he insisted he knew nothing about either the debt or the court case because the bill had not been sent to his home .
30 A weak version of the first argument is that put forward by opponents of the trade union movement claiming that , if wage rates had not been maintained at what they call an artificially high level , the introduction of labour-saving equipment would have been retarded and the number of available jobs increased .
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