Example sentences of "not have [det] time [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The surface of the etch-resist ink might wash off in the developer but a layer of ink can still be left on the board , because the UV light has not had enough time to penetrate all the way through the resist .
2 Ruling that the UK had breached international agreements , the judges dismissed the British government 's contention that it had not had enough time to meet standards set in 1975 .
3 According to a radio commentary on Aug. 7 , there were complaints from the opposition that they had not had enough time to campaign effectively , and instances were cited of bullying by MPRP election supervisors .
4 In September 1989 Chadli announced the postponement of local elections , originally scheduled for December , following complaints from the opposition parties that they had not had enough time to prepare for them .
5 This time no expression came over their faces and he knew they did not have much time to live .
6 We did not have much time to smarten up the old girl and it took much hard work to soften the ravages of time .
7 As we noted before , one of the prime concerns of teachers is that they do not have enough time to carry out the day-to-day tasks and responsibilities of their jobs to their own satisfaction , let alone to invest in enhancing their own skills , or reflecting on their roles and priorities , to anything like the extent which they would like .
8 I am delighted that I have been able to hit on that point , because the flexibility means that the Opposition can not claim that they will not have enough time to debate those clauses .
9 Eventually a point is reached where the signals , even travelling at the speed of light , will not have enough time to reach their destinations if the clock speed is further increased .
10 Teachers do not have enough time to do the job that they feel they ought to do and want to do .
11 Soon , however , she did not have enough time to do this although someone had to relieve the poor beast , and the fresh creamy milk often sat in a gleaming churn in the corner of the kitchen untouched until it went rancid and had to be thrown away .
12 The child may not have enough time to finish one before the next is shovelled in and so gag .
13 Thus although it may be the case that communicative demands result in error because the learner does not have enough time to access second language systemic knowledge , equally they may do so because such demands quite naturally lead learners to call upon whatever resources they have at their disposal , some of which will be drawn from their own language .
14 It is important , because , as the hon. Member said , there have been earlier opportunities for such legislation — the Government could have chosen to include a measure in their order of business , and a private Member once introduced a Bill , but unfortunately did not have enough time to secure its progress .
15 These are such things as jealousy ( like my experiences of it ) and also if you are friendly with a popular person , they may not have enough time to get to know you as they are too absorbed in other friends .
16 ‘ I do n't regret not having much time to pamper myself in the bathroom , as the inclination is n't there .
17 Not having any time to think about it , Dave left work and went straight to the airfield .
18 Now Bubble , who had n't had much time to reflect on his England-experience , was obviously starting to think over his position .
19 ‘ I have n't had much time to think . ’
20 Perkin had n't had much time to hunt elsewhere for anything suitable .
21 Curly Top had n't had enough time to get more people to the gatehouse .
22 ‘ It 's a beautiful home with a wonderful music room , but I have n't had any time to enjoy it , ’ he says .
23 ‘ When you spend as much time as we did trying to stop others scoring tries , you do n't have much time to argue with the ref ’ — ZIMBABWE 's REPRESENTATIVE when accepting the World Cup Fair Play Award .
24 Juliana does n't have much time to spend on her make-up and indeed does n't need to because she has a beautiful clear skin .
25 The thing you probably wo n't have much time to do in seven hours is erm his sermons , which really do tie in with the
26 With all your business trips , you wo n't have much time to spare for Thomas , ’ she carried on , ‘ and — ’
27 There 's one thing sure , you wo n't have much time to grumble because you 'll be taken up with scratchin' yourself .
28 The scar was quite big , so I was only able to start my running in June and I did n't have much time to prepare for Tokyo .
29 ‘ I do n't have much time to feel lonely . ’
30 Most people do n't have enough time to do that now — you 're just not paid enough . ’
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