Example sentences of "not be [vb pp] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 The reason for such a power is that contemporaneous reporting may prejudice either the proceedings in question ( as where the material — although heard in open court — has not been made known to the jury ) or some further proceedings which were pending or imminent at the time .
2 If no further offence is committed , the deterrent has worked , prison space has been saved , and the offender has not been made used to prison conditions .
3 I understand that has not been invited to speak to the Committee yet but perhaps you might consider this at the time of him producing his annual report next April .
4 He claimed the South African federation were not legitimately entitled to conduct the testing , and they had not been conducted according to DLV rules .
5 The other commonly assessed abilities have not been found to relate to managerial performance .
6 Legal advice and assistance is envisaged but has not been introduced owing to difficulties in obtaining legislation .
7 The appellant had not been required to surrender to the Central Criminal Court and the question of granting bail did not arise .
8 Daley countered this with his idea that black players can use the mental facility only with other blacks , believing that even the black players who had commanded football league places had not been allowed to play to their utmost because they were engulfed by whites who were on ‘ different wavelengths ’ .
9 Lists of names of authors should not be differentiated according to gender , by using first names for female writers but only family names for male writers ( as in " Shakespeare , Milton , Jane Austen , Hardy " ) .
10 Do not be tempted to go to extremes .
11 The receipt of the Company for the purchase money shall be a good discharge to the Purchaser who shall not be bound to see to the application thereof and , after the name of the Purchaser has been entered in the register in purported exercise of the aforesaid powers , the validity of the proceedings shall not be questioned by any person .
12 The receipt of the Company for the purchase money shall be a good discharge to the Purchaser who shall not be bound to see to the application thereof and , after the name of the Purchaser has been entered in the register in purported exercise of the aforesaid powers , the validity of the proceedings shall not be questioned by any person .
13 The receipt of the Company for the purchase money , pursuant to such transfers , shall constitute a good and valid discharge to the Proposed Purchaser ( who shall not be bound to see to the application thereof ) and after the Proposed Purchaser has been registered in purported exercise of the aforesaid powers the validity of the proceedings shall not be questioned by any person .
14 Since Raymond Oliver 's assertion to the effect that your , dairyman always has one of the great vintages of French Gruyère can not be said to apply to any of my dairymen both the questions of authenticity and of relative skill with the fondue set are academic .
15 Health policy did not escape this intellectual challenge , but policy prescription can not be assumed to lead to policy change .
16 Because of this , a poetic utterance has no functional ties with the real context in which it is produced and can not be assumed to refer to any aspect of its producer 's existence .
17 ( b ) A bye-law made under this paragraph clearly can not be made to apply to hotel or restricted hotel licences .
18 A brain abscess in the right hemisphere could also be accompanied by diffuse damage to the left : that is , the aphasia in these children might not be related to damage to the right-hand side of the brain .
19 Er so much so , you see that er er er people who did have employment in the industry would not , would not be seen talking to left-wing Labour party people , or members of the Communist party , because they readily understood , you know , that here was a risk that they were running , whereby they may indeed lo er er lose their employment .
20 It also highlights that functional deterioration , particularly in those with progressive disorders , may not be detected owing to inadequate or infrequent reassessments , or both .
21 The car was then marketed as ‘ Lagonda , designed under the supervision of W. O. Bentley ’ , but the flood of orders could not be met owing to the postwar shortage of steel .
22 The other islands followed and had slave majorities by the 1670s , and once they had done so the process was irreversible ; white men could not be persuaded to come to an area where wages were set by the cost of slave labour .
23 De Gaulle was incensed , ordered Massu 's recall to Paris , and , against the advice of several senior advisers , insisted that Massu should not be permitted to return to his command .
24 During a televised national address on July 20 , Roh announced that his government would open the border at Panmunjom for five days from Aug. 13 and allow unrestricted crossings , although a government spokesman later suggested that the country 's leading dissidents would not be permitted to travel to the North .
25 There is a consensus among the public that cars should not be used to go to work .
26 Nevertheless , as Wensley ( 1981 ) argues , the portfolio grids must not be used to suggest to non-financial experts that the company must be a cash recycling machine ignoring the external market as a source of funds .
27 The dioecious Xerospermum noronhianum ( ‘ X intermedium' , Sapindaceae ) in West Malaysia has a prolonged sequential development of flowers on each inflorescence as well as the sequential development of the inflorescences themselves , making a small number of flowers available at any one time but ensuring economy by not producing excess flowers within a short period ( these would not be pollinated owing to the low density of pollinators ) .
28 This has reversed the rule in Harbutts Plasticine Ltd v Wayne Tank and Pump Co Ltd [ 1970 ] 1 QB 447 , but it has not affected the rule in the Suisse Atlantique case [ 1967 ] 1 AC 61 that exemption clauses can not be construed to apply to fundamental breach unless clearly stated to do so ( See also the Securicor case mentioned above , where an exclusion clause was found to be drafted so widely as to exclude liability for a wilful default which was also a fundamental breach of the contract . )
29 Nursing care is individual to each patient , as the patient should not be expected to conform to a set pattern of treatment .
30 The following day Sharif sent a special envoy to the UN Secretary-General , calling for a UN fact-finding mission to Kashmir , and warning that Pakistan " can not be expected to continue to indefinitely prevent such marches by use of force " .
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