Example sentences of "not be [adv] [verb] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , many key settlement policies have not been properly implemented because there has been a lack of co-ordination among the relevant planning agencies ( Cloke 1980b ) .
2 We support the views of the County Planning Officers Society and the Government that the 1981 provisions have not been widely used because of ( a ) the financial implications of compensation for minerals planning authorities ( MPAs ) , ( b ) the staffing and resource implications for MPAs who were expected to implement the provisions , and ( c ) the complexity and cumbersome nature of the provisions themselves .
3 At one point in Vikram Seth 's novel in verse The Golden Gate ( Faber , 1986 ) , the author interrupts the narrative to tell us that his idea for the book had not been well received when he had mentioned it to a publisher :
4 So how we handle the foal is certainly going to make a difference between whether the mature horse will be friendly or not , and in my experience , horses that have not been well handled as foals are never as friendly , trusting , and confident as those who have .
5 They have not been specifically collected as organization-level data , generated from a schema such as this .
6 So far the demographic and market data contained in these records have not been fully extracted before the data are disposed of .
7 As he told county councillors , the service had not been comprehensively reviewed since the Seventies and the job it is required to do has altered considerably with time notably , more of the work is to do with helping at road traffic accidents .
8 Vic feels his blood pressure rising at the thought of his eldest son , who dropped out of university four months ago and has not been usefully occupied since , now swaddled in a duvet upstairs , naked except for a single gold earring , sleeping off last night 's booze .
9 Our environmental goals can not be successfully achieved unless action is taken across the Community .
10 Modern technologies can not be successfully used if they are simply imposed on an unwilling and underskilled workforce .
11 Concepts , on the other hand , can not be meaningfully described as " temporal " in this sense .
12 The present attitude of the courts towards judicial review can not be adequately understood unless some idea is conveyed of eighteenth and nineteenth century case law .
13 However the time taken to re-charge the capacitor is proportional to the charging time constant , so if a high resistance is used the capacitor may not be completely charged when its stored energy is next required .
14 It can not be easily defined except for a willingness to experiment and change direction , a confidence , perhaps , in hesitancy .
15 As we discussed earlier and argue later , this ‘ ideology ’ has deep biological and emotional reverberations and can not be easily dismissed as generated by propaganda or clever oratory .
16 The disparity between groundmass compositions reconstructed by and and the Haiti glass trend suggests that the selective clast melting and alteration are important effects that may not be easily circumvented when attempting to decipher impact melt petrogenesis .
17 What the data show is that the issue of sign universality can not be easily described as confirmed or disproved .
18 The original environment of human evolutionary adaptedness can not be clearly defined because our evolution has been such an extraordinary progression of expansive diversifications in adapting to an immense range of environments .
19 Theories can not be conclusively falsified because the observation statements that form the basis for the falsification may themselves prove to be false in the light of later developments .
20 Assessments of the current situation in the Soviet Union have meaning in Nizan 's eyes only in the context of this material progress : " Soviet achievements can not be properly evaluated unless they are linked historically to the effort which produced them " he stresses .
21 Some people think that the law of judicial review can not be properly understood unless it is studied against the background of a particular area of governmental activity such as housing or immigration , in order to see how the general rules are use to deal with particular problems .
22 However , this concern may not be wholly justified as he has been an active member of the CNAA and is known to be a keen supporter of public sector provision and an advocate of breaking down the barriers between the two sectors of higher education .
23 Cards can not be jointly held although separate cards may be issued , on application , to individual holders of joint accounts provided that all joint holders of the account are authorised to operate the account alone .
24 They should not be officially released until they are in their final form .
25 They should not be officially released until they are in their final form .
26 Not really , because ( 1 ) as current flows there is some potential drop in the electrode itself , ( 2 ) zero conductivity for part of the space can not be electrostatically modelled since there are no dielectrics with Er = 0 , and ( 3 ) when current flows through two materials of different conductivity there is generally a surface charge at the boundary ( see Example 3.4 ) .
27 Yet in Britain , ‘ race ’ can not be under stood if it is falsely divorced from other political processes or grasped if it is reduced to the effect of these other relations .
28 The dark side of radio politics can not be better illustrated than by Sefton Delmer 's Black Boomerang , an account of the murky world of Britain 's black radio propaganda put out during the war .
29 The considerable flexibility mentioned earlier could not be better illustrated than through one of John Barker 's much-used parachutes .
30 Does my hon. Friend agree that our achievements in that aspect of education could not be better illustrated than by that which pertains in Nottinghamshire , where the university now has the highest ratio of applications to available places and where Nottingham polytechnic , which is soon to be a university , is planning to increase its capacity over the next couple of years to 16,000 student places ?
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