Example sentences of "not be [adv] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , many key settlement policies have not been properly implemented because there has been a lack of co-ordination among the relevant planning agencies ( Cloke 1980b ) .
2 The Piraeus kouros appears to have an iron armature inside , so was cast in one piece ( one of the advantages of sectional casting is that the core can be removed ) ; but it has not been properly studied or published and we can not say what methods were used ; nor do we know what was the nature of Rhoikos ' and Theodoros 's innovation .
3 He said a number of large economies found it difficult to commit themselves to targets which had not been properly explored and before the International Panel on Climate Change reports scientific evidence next year .
4 Pilots who are frightened or apprehensive about stalling have not been properly trained and could be a risk to themselves and their passengers if they obtain their licence without overcoming their problem .
5 But the main reason why interviews prove ineffective is that the interviewer has not been properly trained and has not prepared thoroughly for the task .
6 However the in-house system had not been properly tested and by early this year problems had started .
7 However the in-house system had not been properly tested and by early this year problems had started .
8 What the three thousand four hundred are saying is that the County Council and British Coal do not know where they 're going with this thing , the full implications of it have either not been properly assessed or indeed not been released to the to the local communities .
9 He told me some hair-raising stories of the casual , careless way in which bodies can be handled at the undertaker 's and in transit , the most common being losing the coffin on the way to the funeral because the doors have not been properly secured or the wrong name-plates having been attached , resulting in great distress to the relations of the deceased and confusion for the minister concerned , all of which made our dealings with Nigel seem positively reverential !
10 ( 5 ) Where a licence is granted by a board which has not been properly constituted or is otherwise not in accordance with the Act , the licence is void .
11 It will not do so where the majority have acted in bad faith , or where class interests have not been properly identified and fairly represented ( see below ) , or where it can be demonstrated that the majority voted in favour of the scheme because of their interests as shareholders of another class or as creditors ( see Carruth v ICI [ 1937 ] AC 707 ) .
12 We support the views of the County Planning Officers Society and the Government that the 1981 provisions have not been widely used because of ( a ) the financial implications of compensation for minerals planning authorities ( MPAs ) , ( b ) the staffing and resource implications for MPAs who were expected to implement the provisions , and ( c ) the complexity and cumbersome nature of the provisions themselves .
13 Sometimes an observant parent will notice something that will give us a clue ; after a child recovers from one of those high fevers that ‘ lay it very low ’ for a short time it is sometimes seen that the child is more ‘ well ’ than before it became ‘ ill ’ , provided the illness has not been inappropriately treated or interfered with in some way .
14 This went directly against Stirling 's concept of the role of his men , which had still not been clearly understood or even accepted at headquarters .
15 Unlike Carcassonne in France they have not been extensively restored and compare more closely with Aigues Mortes ( See pages 93 , 94 ) .
16 Furthermore , until the coming of oil the planning regulations had not been rigorously implemented but with the transition to Island Authority status and the creation of the Structure Plan the planners sought to justify their existence .
17 However , the addition of these fats has not been universally accepted and some members of the EC and the US maintain that the cacao portion of chocolate , which includes cocoa butter , must be from pure cacao nib , which contains approximately 55 per cent true cocoa , otherwise the product must be described as chocolate flavoured .
18 Held , allowing the appeal and the cross-appeal , that under the terms of the mortgage and other deeds the defendants were entitled to recover their actual costs , charges and expenses except for any costs that had not been reasonably incurred or were unreasonable in amount ; that both litigation and non-litigation costs could be referred to a taxing for quantification ; that the defendants were contractually entitled to payment on an indemnity basis as defined by R.S.C. , Ord. 62 , r. 12(2) ; that the court 's discretion as to the basis of taxation of a mortgagee 's costs , charges and expenses should normally be exercised so as to correspond with the contractual entitlement ; and that , accordingly , the master had power to order that the contractual costs , charges and expenses and the costs incurred in the litigation be taxed on an indemnity basis including those costs ordered to be taxed on a standard basis ( post , pp. 735E–F , 736B–C , 737E–F , 739A–C , 741H — 742D , E–H ) .
19 The Race Relations Act 1976 This Act has not been similarly amended and applies only where there are six or more partners .
20 That ground has not been strongly urged and I leave it out of account , but so far as the other grounds are concerned I am satisfied that there is validity in that criticism and those are matters which ought to have been taken into account and , being matters which are relevant , in my judgment , that is a reason why this appellate court can and should intervene .
21 The long term sequelae of infection on acid secretion have not been well defined but epidemiological evidence suggests that longstanding H pylori infection may result in a reduction of acid secretion through the development of atrophic changes in the gastric mucosa .
22 At one point in Vikram Seth 's novel in verse The Golden Gate ( Faber , 1986 ) , the author interrupts the narrative to tell us that his idea for the book had not been well received when he had mentioned it to a publisher :
23 So how we handle the foal is certainly going to make a difference between whether the mature horse will be friendly or not , and in my experience , horses that have not been well handled as foals are never as friendly , trusting , and confident as those who have .
24 We may infer that this pattern is a residue of some earlier English vowel pattern that has not been well identified or described by historical linguists .
25 The rule does not require the proper officer to accept a document which is illegible , has not been duly authorised or is for some other reason unsatisfactory ( Ord 50 , r 4A(2) ( a ) ) .
26 Dr Schore says the most impressive statements he has read , inspiring him to investigate further the LM potencies , are the following , by Dr. Pierre Schmidt ‘ … but we must bear in mind that Hahnemann never says anything which has not been duly considered and thought out , and that all his words should be weighed with the utmost care . ’
27 For Miss Green , Lee 's appointment was perceived as an explicit threat simply because in the previous year , renewal of the Cassell Trust 's grant had not been easily secured and had been made on the understanding that the 1930 renewal was to extend only for a further and final two years .
28 The fumes of the wine had not been entirely dissipated and she felt too lazy to go all the way to the village and tell Dr Wyn about her ears .
29 The Board claimed that a ballot on industrial action had not been validly conducted but the High Court judge said the evidence for this ‘ did not come anywhere near justifying injunctive relief ’ .
30 The deputy judge found for the plaintiffs and held that the 1986 document had not been validly executed and that the deceased had lacked testamentary capacity when it was made .
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