Example sentences of "not be so [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 And yet , although Lloyd George was the author of the Free City proposals , they were approved by the Americans and the French , and had the Poles not been so heavily engaged against the Soviets by this time , they might still have attempted to seize Danzig by force — there was certainly little the Germans could have done to prevent such a move .
2 Even had you not been so well acquainted with the family , I dare say .
3 Though there has been a clear public responsibility for the long-term residents of mental hospitals , public responsibility for those discharged has not been so well established .
4 But there were also features of the area itself which exacerbated Anglo-French friction and which have not been so closely studied .
5 Black guillemots ( tysties ) have not been so badly affected , perhaps because they are not so dependent on the pelagic fish such as sand-eels and young gadoids ( whitefish ) but catch more bottom-living fish such butterfish and rockling .
6 It would have been difficult to estimate the extent of this use of cassettes even if the events had not been so emotionally charged .
7 Four knights at least , all Grey 's men ; and a rugged , thickset figure in half-armour , whose seat in the saddle was familiar , even if the black horse under him had not been so signally ornamented with his blazon .
8 There had not been such severe storms in southern England for hundreds of years , and the structure of woodlands had not been so regularly modified by gales as in the more stormy north of Britain .
9 It is probably the case that women have not been so seriously affected by long-term unemployment as have men in comparable occupations .
10 if common sense had not been so uniquely transformed , then there would be little reason to formulate this new , specific concept of social representation .
11 The role of specific acetyltransferase activity in Crohn 's disease patients has not been so far studied , and deserves investigation .
12 A comprehensive evaluation of the motility at different levels of the gastrointestinal tract in diabetic patients , however , has not been so far reported .
13 New evidence from the Middle East suggests that it may not be so simply explained , while a recently published account of a biologist 's view of the myths embedded in Genesis lends some colourful support to a broadening of outlook .
14 The debate in physics has highlighted other issues that will not be so simply resolved .
15 However , we would like to express the view that triads need not be so ruthlessly confiscated .
16 Its extreme development , however , of numerous energetic and colourful displays , and extreme structural modification in males , can not be so easily explained .
17 But there are new elements in the treatment of the heads that can not be so easily explained .
18 In our cynical era , we might not be so easily bamboozled by ‘ the prophet 's ’ assertion that God , who is presumably on permanent nightshift , speaks to him in his sleep and has commanded the supply of seven frails .
19 Sometimes , however , the media can not be so easily deployed by political actors and the media may , in consequence , exert an indeterminate and sometimes capricious effect on the doings of political institutions and actors .
20 Had the results of self-report/victimization surveys and the investigations of quasi-judicial agencies been publicized as much as ‘ official criminal statistics ’ , and had the radical jaundiced and cynical view of criminal definitions been widely publicized , then the mystification produced by focusing exclusively on the characteristics of the prison population would not be so easily achieved .
21 A method similar to that described above is still probably the most suitable for producing concave trunk mouldings for long-case clocks mentioned in Mr Robey 's second question although they may not be so easily manipulated over the saw bench , particularly if they are stop-ended as the ends may present problems .
22 We need to make it clear by the way we stand and hold a gaze , and by the way we speak , that we can not be so easily dismissed .
23 But , since the family unit is then not supported by its integration into a wider social network , family problems can not be so easily shared .
24 ’ When she saw Tilly would not be so easily put off , she sighed loudly .
25 On the other hand , when people outside the Church see no one within the Church with whom they can readily identify , they will not be so easily attracted .
26 ( This meant borrowing money and suffering a lot of hardships ; but they thought it would be worth it , because it would mean they could not be so easily discriminated against . )
27 There are , however , two other fundamental problems which can not be so easily resolved .
28 The majority of domains , however , do not share these characteristics and may not be so well represented within the LOB corpus .
29 The safeguards here may be very good , but they may not be so well understood by a police officer in another country who read about that suspicion .
30 Their relevance outside the situation for which they were designed , where eventual aims can not be so readily related to learning objectives , should not therefore be taken on trust ( see Widdowson 1983 ) .
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