Example sentences of "not be [adj] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Scrappy success has not been typical of Cardinal Vaughan 's start to the season .
2 I would have smiled at the Kafkaesqueness of the situation , had I not broken out in a cold sweat and had I at that stage not been ignorant of Kafka 's existence .
3 Hazlitt has not been short of biographers , but before reading Jones I never felt I had begun to know the man , or formed any satisfying conception of his obviously contradictory nature .
4 In July he was given an Irish peerage as Viscount Fitzhardinge , and would have received an English title had the king not been conscious of hostility to his courtiers in the English House of Commons .
5 The Government can not be proud of unemployment levels of 7.6 per cent .
6 ‘ Indeed , the Queen might not be guilty of deception .
7 Hale justified the marital rape exemption in the following terms : ‘ The husband can not be guilty of rape committed by himself upon his lawful wife , for by their mutual matrimonial consent and contract the wife has given up herself in this kind unto her husband , which she can not retract . ’
8 that of robbing the victim , a defendant who has sexual intercourse with her whilst she is insensible will not be guilty of rape .
9 This would limit the possible effects of Olugboja , since it would ensure that a defendant could not be guilty of rape where he perpetrated a fraud of any other description .
10 It follows that such a man would not be guilty of rape .
11 The subjectivists have always insisted that a man who believes that a woman is consenting can not be guilty of rape .
12 If , however , the person in possession of the house is not a tenant but a licensee , s.4(2) ( c ) does not apply and he will not be guilty of theft of the fireplace !
13 Since s.4(2) is not incorporated into s.15 , the accused will be guilty if he deceives his neighbour into moving the boundary fence in his favour in order to gain the land , but he would not be guilty of theft by moving the fence .
14 Nor could it sue in respect of a charge of corruption , for a corporation can not be guilty of corruption , although the individuals composing it may .
15 The assertion by Pollock C.B. quoted above that a corporation could not sue for libel in respect of a charge of corruption , because a corporation can not be guilty of corruption , appears to have been the foundation for the decision by a Divisional Court in Manchester Corporation v. Williams [ 1891 ] 1 Q.B. 94 , but more fully reported in 63 L.T. 805 .
16 He too repeated the assertion that a corporation could not sue for libel in respect of a charge of corruption because it can not be guilty of corruption , but this assertion was unnecessary for his decision in the case and was obiter .
17 Nor could it sue in respect of a charge of corruption , for a corporation can not be guilty of corruption , although the individuals composing it may .
18 ‘ Where the owner , of his own free will , parts not only with the possession but also with the property in the goods taken , the person taking the goods can not be guilty of larceny , however fraudulent were the means by which the delivery of the goods was procured .
19 This means that the Bank of England can not be sure of success if it uses open-market operations to expand the money supply .
20 Interviewers can not be sure of people 's age or social class before an interview is begun and so one can see the temptation of putting a woman down as under 35 if that is just what you need at the end of a hard day when the woman turns out in fact to be 38 .
21 Although Rod Wallace opened the scoring from Strachan 's pull-back 10 minutes into the second half , nervous , unconvincing Leeds could not be sure of victory until both Lee Chapman and Cantona scored in a hectic final three minutes .
22 Ceauşescu could trust himself to play the liberal , but he could not be certain of Gorbachev 's real intentions .
23 Women do not participate in public life , so they will not be capable of understanding what they observe ;
24 Indeed , such communities may not be typical of communities as a whole : Romaine ( 1982 ) regards it as certain that linguistic and social factors do not often interact straightforwardly in the way Labov suggests .
25 This will not be necessary of course , if the free papers are paid to publish adverts/notices ( see para 11d ) .
26 It is likely that the fact that an SIB or SRO rule permits the exclusion of a particular liability will be taken into account in assessing whether an exclusion clause is reasonable , but this would not be determinative of reasonableness .
27 Therefore , they may not be representative of recurrence rates in untreated individuals .
28 Mrs Gould who I am happy to say is quite well has been fully occupied in making drawings of the soft parts of the birds together with appropriate plants flowers berries etc. which will be introduced into my work and I trust from the fund of information I shall be enabled to add that the book will not be void of interest especially to all lovers of ornithology …
29 It should be noted , however , that the relationship between descriptive fact and pedagogic prescription can not be one of determinacy .
30 Their appearance may not be one of illness because of these pink cheeks .
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