Example sentences of "not [being] [vb pp] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Women in the 90s believe that their best interests are still not being represented by politicians ; despite all the talk of ‘ women 's charters ’ and changing demographics in their favour , 76% sense a ‘ bias towards men ’ .
2 Well and we have seen one response for people now making Mill that is that his objections are not being finessed by computer technology , they do n't want to get back into that type of argument , because this is really not the most important argument against direct democracy .
3 Then she sat at her bureau and put her hands to her flaming cheeks and tried to think about the hens , the sea , the possibility of buying a pig , something , anything , rather than the likelihood of not being painted by Michael Swinton .
4 Fox admitted driving with excess alcohol on his breath — he was 19 microgrammes over the limit — driving while disqualified and not being covered by insurance last November .
5 As Westmacott turned into one leg of his weave' Mason saw below him four Bf109s , and being well-positioned up-sun , dropped like a hawk onto them , his departure not being noticed by Westmacott , who remained aloft wondering where the other Hurricane had gone .
6 Yesterday , deputy Prime Minister Dick Spring said the envoy concept was not being pressed by Dublin at present .
7 Despite the economy being increasingly dependent on women , their economic contribution is not being recognised by improvements in their terms and conditions of work , the report says .
8 Plaudits are nice ; this time , however , Mr Patten must have wondered if he was not being killed by kindness .
9 Swanage ( Dorset ) , Salcombe ( Devon ) , Fowey ( Cornwall ) and the whole of the Isles of Scilly may teem with tourists in the summer , but have managed to keep their general character intact while not being ruined by development .
10 The 28-year-old man , who is not being named by police , had gone to assist a neighbour in Caithness Row who had disturbed three youths trying to enter the premises .
11 Not being bound by warranties and indemnities from sales of businesses , assets ( assignment of leases ) or companies .
12 ( 2 ) That , although the scope of Code C of the Codes of Practice ( 1985 ed. ) extended beyond persons in detention , it was intended to protect suspects who were , or thought themselves to be , vulnerable to abuse or pressure from police officers , and applied where a suspect was being questioned about an offence by a police officer acting as such for the purpose of obtaining evidence ; that , since the appellants were not being questioned by police officers acting as such and conversation was on equal terms , there could be no question of pressure or intimidation by the officers as persons actually or believed to be in authority ; and that , accordingly , Code C did not apply in the circumstances and the judge 's approach could not be faulted ( post , p. 237C–E , H ) .
13 The appellants were not being questioned by police officers acting as such .
14 In the meantime , database designers can strengthen the chances of protection by retaining copies of layouts and specifications for databases on the basis that anyone copying the structure of their database indirectly infringes the copyright subsisting in these materials , subject to them not being dictated by function .
15 The issue of road links to ports is not being addressed by Government and time is running out .
16 The identity of the wounded man is not being released by police .
17 I mean this is I er er there , there is a , a fundamental problem here I think th that i if you do the calculations in terms of how many calories per amount of grain it does seem that , that for what we regard as being an adequate diet and then again it 's a diet which is not being supplemented by meat okay there will be some vegetables but basically it 's grain , you , you do need somewhere between six and seven hundred .
18 The sun , the clear sky , the bright colours , the prosperous look of this lively , airy university town and wine-growing capital ; the stalls massed with flowers ; fresh fish shining pink and gold and silver in shallow baskets ; cherries and apricots and peaches on the fruit barrows ; one stall piled with about a ton of little bunches of soup or pot-au-feu vegetables — a couple of slim leeks , a carrot or two , a long thin turnip , celery leaves , and parsley , all cleaned and neatly bound with a rush , ready for the pot ; another charcuterie stall , in the covered part of the market , displaying yards of fresh sausage festooned around a pyramid-shaped wire stand ; a fishwife crying pussy 's parcels of fish wrapped tidily in newspaper ; an old woman at the market entrance selling winkles from a little cart shaped like a pram ; a fastidiously dressed old gentleman choosing tomatoes and leaf artichokes , one by one , as if he were picking a bouquet of flowers , and taking them to the scales to be weighed ( how extraordinary that we in England put up so docilely with not being permitted by greengrocers or even barrow boys to touch or smell the produce we are buying ) ; a lorry with an old upright piano in the back threading round and round the market place trying to get out .
19 But the launch is not being heralded by strikes in the hospitals or protests in the streets .
20 And Inspector Brian Ward , in charge of the project at Chatham , Kent , said : ‘ We hope it will have a calming influence on people , not being supervised by officers who arrested them . ’
21 Suppliers are not being paid by Brent Walker head office and as a consequence are threatening to withhold their services .
22 The truth is that the youth training guarantee is not being delivered by Devon training and enterprise council .
23 They liked calm achievement , and placed much emphasis on apparent control and not being taken by surprise .
24 people latched onto it as something that was n't a political strike , was n't being led by militants , revolutionaries , what have you , and it was something , it was just for the freedom of the working man if you like , and his standard of living was not gon na suffer because of bosses intransig intransigence I 'll say it right in a while , and what have you .
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