Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [adv] at [det] " in BNC.

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1 He could not think clearly at all of any women he knew or had known .
2 ‘ I should not think so at all .
3 I have made it a point of honour to spare you moral blackmail of the ‘ Do you honestly suppose for a single moment that I would be capable of stooping to such beastliness ? ’ variety , and I shall not waver even at this supreme moment .
4 He therefore travelled through the greater part of England , observing everything , but was equally careful to inspect all ornamental and kitchen gardens , and to make himself at home and acquainted with all horticulturalists , for he was of the opinion that he could learn something useful which he did not know before at least from some of them .
5 She need not rely for her sense of identity upon outward appearance ; she may in fact look beautiful , she may look a mess ; it does not matter greatly at that particular time .
6 Mark , aware of the problem , records that the reaction of the chief priests and Scribes was to look for some way to get rid of Jesus , but that they could not do so at that moment because Jesus was popular with the people .
7 Does the Prime Minister agree that although there is scope for compromise on many matters at Maastricht , the one issue on which it is impossible to compromise is the difference between those who believe that Britain could and should join in a single currency and those who believe that we should not do so at any price and that we should never even have joined the exchange rate mechanism ?
8 ‘ Ordinarily I would have commented in some detail about our business , but can not do so at this time as we are in a closed period prior to the announcement of our 1992 results on 24 March ’ .
9 If we had such a network , we would be able to withdraw the support which we currently give to private practitioners , but the Minister knows that we can not do so at this stage because there is no body of effective legal advice and opinion to benefit people .
10 It is extremely important that you do not give up at this point and this is where training really begins .
11 For example , while the /r/ of person is pronounced ( as it would be in JC ) [ P15 ] , the speaker has also pronounced /r/ in mother , where it is less usual for Jamaicans to pronounce it , and at the end of Jamaica , where it does not occur historically at all .
12 But these did not move forward at this stage , although they were as close to the Yair as were the Scots .
13 ‘ No , I 'm afraid your Lt. Vologsky did not measure up at all .
14 Again , still on the matter of ambiguity , Zuwaya claimed to have levied taxes on the oases of Awjla and Jalu ( a claim the inhabitants of those oases did not take seriously at all ) , and they cited this as an example of their freedom to do what they chose in their Sahara .
15 As soon as the paint was completely dry , which did not take long at all , the masking tape and the paper covering were very carefully removed .
16 Quite a high percentage of bar codes could only be read in after several attempts , and a not insignificant percentage simply would not read in at all .
17 They looked lovely on the mantelpiece in the flat but a new bouquet would not go astray at this stage .
18 One or two turns would probably suffice and anyway the money would not go far at this year 's prices .
19 ‘ You are quite sure that you did not go out at all last evening ? ’
20 His mother spoke only Yiddish , his two brothers were suspicious of the visitors , the young sister hid and would not come out at all .
21 If it first encounters P , it can not get through at all , since it is the state which is extinguished by P , .
22 ‘ I do not belong with these people ; they are not my people , and I do not belong here at all … . ’ ( f.1 )
23 In what he called " emphysema weather " , he did not venture out at all and in his last years one member of the firm , Peter du Sautoy , would report to him on the business being conducted — what books had been accepted , for example .
24 When my cousin , who was to be in the locality ( one did not ask why at that time , and it was only after we were both freed of our vows of secrecy more than thirty years later that he told me he had been at Bletchley Park itself ) suggested coming to visit me , Mrs Sugden had no doubt but that this was my ‘ gentleman friend ’ .
25 She turned back twice to look at him , but he did not turn round at all .
26 Christmas plumbing problems could leave you with double the normal bill , though most contractors said they would not turn out at any price .
27 A pond wo n't stay still at all .
28 ‘ The Crumwallises would very much rather he did n't pitch up at all , ’ said Glenda .
29 When she 's taking solids , she wo n't want much at each meal .
30 ‘ I do n't think so at all .
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