Example sentences of "not [adv] of the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I began to teach the danger not only of the closed mind , knowing all the answers in advance , but also of the completely open mind .
2 Karajan had pitched camp with Legge and the Philharmonia in 1949 when a generous grant from the Maharaja of Mysore had stabilized the orchestra 's finances and opened up the possibility , in collaboration with EMI , of extensive recording , not only of the classic repertory but of works that caught Karajan 's and Legge 's fancy : Balakirev 's First Symphony , Roussel 's Fourth Symphony , the still formidably difficult Music for Strings , Percussion , and Celesta by Bartók , and some English music , too .
3 It was a fair archetype , representative not only of the average minister in age , but typical of many in appearance .
4 The Greeks used this term not only of the spoken word but also of the unspoken word .
5 This fear of the same , or of the proximity of the same , or of the threat of the same , structures the violence not only of the homosocial , but of sexual difference itself .
6 The modernisation programme in the Thirties involved the introduction , not only of the single-deck railcoaches , but also some types uniquely suited to the seaside .
7 If the later mortgage is legal , the mortgagee will obtain priority by virtue of his legal interest unless he has notice not only of the floating charge but also of the restriction in it .
8 That given , the Burkian thesis must work itself out inexorably to the separation and independence not only of the great colonies ( in the original sense of that word ) but of every island and speck of rock on the globe : where there could not be representation in a common sovereign assembly , ‘ unity ’ would only be de facto and on sufference , and thus diminishing with the passage of time — organic it could never be .
9 The discount rate needs to take account not only of the relevant market interest and inflation rates but also the business and financial risks involved .
10 Both development officers had considerable experience not only of the elderly mentally frail , but also of implementing new initiatives in care , and of negotiating with other service-providers .
11 Her remark was indicative not only of the close and exclusive family structure , but also of the petty rivalries and jealousies ( in this case directed at my mother ) within it .
12 The Italian example is evidence not only of the effective and widespread use in a western democracy -of the industrial co-operative model but also of the rigorously businesslike and wholly unromantic attitude of LEGA towards it .
13 Third , the success of the revolution depended on the presence not only of the appropriate ‘ objective ’ social and economic conditions , but of the necessary ‘ subjective ’ conditions : the organization of the proletariat into a class-conscious revolutionary movement .
14 Because in reaching its decision it takes account not only of the technical merits in terms of traffic relief but also , the wider impact er the other factors in terms of the route and also public opinion .
15 The 20th Century Gallery constitutes a validation not only of the designed object as museum exhibit but also of design history .
16 Will the money run out , as it did once before , with the consequential loss not only of the technological advantages gained but of the scientific and technical expertise ?
17 Suffice to suggest that the ego -experienced world of the Sonnets , despite the enormous time devoted to the Thou , creates what is essentially a single vision , a self-dedication to the other , which in effect results in an exposure and analysis , not only of the other but also of the self .
18 A chess Grand Master is aware not only of the current state of the board but of past positions and of the probability of any future move .
19 This consists not only of the direct costs of making the film , such as the purchase of equipment and labour ; but also the indirect , tourist effects of spending in hotels , shops and restaurants .
20 Pétain , he recommended , should now be put in command not only of the Left Bank , but of the Right Bank as well ; the ‘ fatigued ’ General Herr should be kept on for a while as Pétain 's adviser , then quietly ‘ limogé ’ .
21 He had the advantage of being a poet himself and a member of a circle of respectable poets , of whom the best was Simon Dach , at Königsberg ; he had wide musical knowledge , not only of the Italian masters of monody , as he reveals in one of his greatest songs , ‘ O der rauhen Grausamkeit ’ : but of other foreign song , French and even Polish , from which he borrowed with due acknowledgement .
22 There have been a number of changes of mind since May 1991 on the part not only of the local authority .
23 But adherence to the exchange rate mechanism is one of the policies not only of the Conservative party but of the Labour party .
24 In the First World War Britain experienced conscription for the first time , and the mobilization not only of the whole work force but also of many women , hitherto not in employment , to assist the war effort .
25 Certainly I am of the opinion that if such a scheme can be brought into existence it will mean a great enrichment not only of the national life of Scotland , but of the policies and public life of the United Kingdom . ’
26 This was a consequence not only of the continuing pull of liberal internationalism , but also of the deeply undemocratic character of the generally available language of patriotism .
27 The neglect of the external effects of creating the SEM is a pronounced feature not only of the Cecchini Report , but also of most of the literature on the SEM .
28 we were able to persuade our new manager Wilf Howe not only of the potential importance of QA to the department but also that we should have an ambitious leap ahead of other departments .
29 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the problem faced by the United Nations in recent decades has been entanglement in east-west confrontation and that at this stage of its development it does not need to embark on an extremely controversial and difficult period of structural reform but should make greater use not only of the United Nations charter but of the existing United Nations machinery ?
30 Socialism , in his view , was a logical stage in the development of human civilisation ; it should take account not only of the scientific and technical achievements of capitalism but also of its forms of political and economic organisation , including small-scale enterprise and international economic integration .
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