Example sentences of "not [adv] [conj] it [be] " in BNC.

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31 Child labour recommended themselves to the early factory masters not only because it was cheap but also because it avoided dependence on adult labour whose traditional work habits were too deeply ingrained .
32 You should change your needle regularly , and not only when it is blunt or broken .
33 The reason why I take such a strong line on the set-aside scheme is not merely that it is right so to do .
34 We can be fairly certain that such a reaction did occur , not merely because it is observable among modern primates , but because it had to exist if young males were , in due course of time , to supplant the fathers , and this , for the purposes of reproduction , they had to do .
35 Napoleon III 's ministers had worked hard to bring about the visit — not merely because it was in support of the Emperor 's policy but also , it was hoped , to distract him from his privately announced intention of himself going to the Crimea .
36 I think he enjoyed the bank , not merely because it was a change from teaching , but because the City exerted so great a fascination over him .
37 From the moment of it 's birth , in fact poss er , even before it 's actual birth , not long after it 's conception , now that that babe has a will of it 's own , and it will exercise it and will use it .
38 C. T. Onions , the philologist , another fellow of Magdalen , was a founder member of the Kolbitar , and not long after it was founded two other fellows of Magdalen were asked to join : Jack Lewis and Bruce McFarlane , the historian .
39 Not long after it was taken , her mother 's letters went unanswered .
40 No not tonight cos it 's brownies tonight .
41 The problem is often not just whether it is genuine or fake , but rather how much is original , and what has subsequently been done to the object , when , by whom and why .
42 Part of the problem that we got back to when we looked over the issues is that what 's happening in the private sector is not just that it 's growing but that it 's very much in an unplanned fashion .
43 But the really interesting bit about Rosemary Thorne 's appointment is not just that it 's newsworthy there 's only one other woman finance director in the country 's top 100 companies but what they 've done about her old job .
44 It 's not just that it 's the delay in it getting to you anyway .
45 I would therefore advise against taking any kind of drugs , not just because it is unsporting , or because of the threat of severe penalties on discovery , but also because of the adverse effects any drug regime has on the mind and body .
46 ‘ Today 's game is only of relative importance , not just because it is a friendly but for the good reason that today 's Argentina bears little resemblance to the one that will play in next summer 's finals .
47 ‘ Today 's game is only of relative importance , not just because it is a friendly but for the good reason that today 's Argentina bears little resemblance to the one that will play in next summer 's finals .
48 I suspect that [ the ] very absence of quality is what makes such stuff attractive to children , not just because it is easy to read , undemanding , untaxing , but because the simplistic plots and characters leave children free to embroider and enrich the stories in their own way as they read .
49 Foucault is critical of such a theory not just because it is based on a science/non-science distinction which for him is simply the product of a particular discursive formation which claims access to the real , rather than involving any epistemological questions of truth or objectivity , but also because it produces the notion of ideology as a secondary mediation ( as in Althusser 's interpellation ) in an inside/outside structure between the determinants of power and the individual subject .
50 It may be that this is the first post-modern war , not just because it 's ‘ screened ’ but because the consensus in the West for war appears to be reluctant .
51 Once you had heard him conduct the Leningrad Philharmonic , you could never forget things like that famous pianissimo — not just because it was soft , but because it was incredibly intensive .
52 Sometimes when I , I write a poem I want to create a particular mood erm giving the piece erm a shape , a , a definite shape or just a shadowy shape erm and the overcoat in er Bon Jour Monsieur Gaugin , I found very , very expressive and the starting point for , for this particular poem I 'll hand this round to you know , with the name of the , the front , right I do n't , has anybody , if you already know this picture , does anybody actually know it already ? , no I start with the overcoat obviously erm very expressive , not just because it was , people wear over , overcoats in cold days , but it was the size of the coat and the shape of it and , and it gave me a weight , I felt , er I felt a very definite mood erm about this picture because of the coat and it was a , er a ejective mood that I , that I felt from that , and the stick in the erm hands of the women over the bridge gave me the sound for , for this poem would you like me to read as the , the thing being passed around , would that be ok ?
53 Not just because it was a ridiculously inadequate motive , but because it was n't true .
54 I wish you two lots over there would get your act together so that people who chair the meetings were of the right calibre for a chairman and not just because it was their turn .
55 The goal against Kilmarnock was sweet not just because it was my 30th .
56 Any character may take this item , but each time it is used ( not just when it is worn ! ) , the wearer must make a successful WP test or suffer from despair for D10 turns .
57 Now — not just when it 's romantic . ’
58 It 's not like that it 's just that I think it 'll help you to write it down and to think about it and to talk , talk to Kelly about it .
59 The , the U K pension charge will er er er go up to the extent that pensionable salaries go up , there 's a standard surplus being amortized au fait gently rising pension , I mean there 's obviously there 's an X percent of pensionable salaries is what the will tell you will have to provide and er er not much more at the moment er therefore the charge will go up a little bit but not , not gradually and it 's not much .
60 Erm not really and it was a , a different type of sermon .
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