Example sentences of "not [be] [adj] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Active citizenship may not be possible as today life is geared around the individual and common interests are hard to identify — ; ‘ people are ill-informed judges of their own interests therefore representatives do a better job . ’
2 ( ‘ Might it not be safer and better in future to do business for her openly , for 10% or 15% rather than take such risks and worries which are very trying ? ’ . )
3 For now if you , as a supplier , observe a rise in the price of the good on your island of 10 per cent you can not be certain whether all other markets are experiencing the same rise on average .
4 It would not be surprising if today 's figures were underestimates , too .
5 Since Alford was described on the ballot paper merely as ‘ The Labour Candidate ’ , it would not be surprising if quite a few voters were confused , and voted for him by mistake .
6 This should not be necessary as soon as the band plays in larger venues .
7 The other part would not be pleased because really he meant what he was saying . ’
8 The abolition of the distinction would not occur because historical social psychologists would be uninterested in theoretical issues , but because theory could not be other than historically applicable .
9 Those three operations then are the measure of modern medical practice : cancers which might have developed from an enlarged prostate , some rogue polyps and a spinal tumour , any one of which could have proved fatal , were all pre-empted by discovery and cure ; and I can not be other than deeply grateful for this additional lease of life .
10 The greatest mass a white dwarf can have is 1–44 times the Sun 's mass ; neutron stars can not be heavier than about two solar masses .
11 And the sponges had been known to move and not be right and even today they 've when they 've had this er what is it , this er operation for it they 've conceived after have n't they ?
12 Land , productivity and conservation should not be inimical or mutually exclusive .
13 It does n't mean they in themselves could not be profitable but simply that they have these cash flow problems .
14 Nay , all things considered , I shall welcome the move to the abbey , she thought — it could not be worse than here !
15 But another , in the Sunday Times , announces a page-long article under the banner ‘ The cure that failed ’ , goes on to boast of ‘ How we broke the story ’ ( in 1989 ) that treating AIDS patients with AZT might not be valid and then went on to complain that ‘ doctors , en masse , have taken up [ AIDS ] as a crusade , at the expense of science ’ .
16 If the child plays with it and makes a mess , the parent should not be concerned but just clear up the mess afterwards .
17 That structure need not be rigid or too formalised but it must be clear and known to those in the firm .
18 Erm for another reasons , which we shall get on to a bit later , there may be a great deal of confusion , er memories may not be clear or well formed , um people , according to some theories and ideas , people may be under-reporting because um y'know it helps them maintain their eq equilibrium a bit better .
19 It is hoped that this will not be later than approximately 8 April by which time they are wanted back here to get on with parachute training .
20 Although such rescue excavation work can not be more than piecemeal , as sites become available , results already obtained have provided useful information on conditions of urban life , in the types of buildings where people lived , on the desertion of houses within towns and around them , and on the distribution of trades within the towns .
21 In particular , because directness and safety are often traded-off by individual cyclists , safe routes must not be more than about ten per cent longer than less-safe , but direct , alternatives .
22 ( It is important that the cooker should not be more than half filled ) .
23 It may not be beautiful and certainly is not fast but it is a survivor , it stands no nonsense and it will be around long after the thoroughbreds have thrashed themselves to death on a rocky shore .
24 As laicisation has forced religion from community to private practice , we should not be surprised that so few people know how to mourn together and share common griefs .
25 I would not be surprised if today there are a number of people who , though fully Christian , have never allowed justification by faith to be an experiential reality in their life .
26 The physical and psychological problems may or may not be fewer and less serious than the problems associated with other drugs , but who knows what kind of problems the cultural changes will produce ?
27 In a gesture worthy of King Canute they went further : ‘ It may become necessary to consider whether the community as a whole would not be happier and more stable if it abolished divorce altogether , ’ they wrote .
28 Secondly , the old churches may not be unbelieving but so cautious as to move too slowly to win new people for Christ .
29 In practice this may not be onerous as very limited factual information is contained in the typical advertisement .
30 And would n't it be awful if he ever realized that it 's not very important to us , that we 'd rather not be safe if only he had the courage to take our safety away … "
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