Example sentences of "not [adj] if he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , there is fraud on the shopkeeper : the accused has concealed his dishonesty. ) ( d ) The accused was not guilty if he switched labels " with some perverted sense of humour " .
2 On the facts the accused was not guilty if he intended merely to delay paying a hotel bill of £1,286 .
3 It is not wrongful if he has rightfully rejected the goods for breach of condition .
4 I 'm not sure if he went to an established rap school , although it 's more likely that he 's a self-taught man .
5 Grant , stunned , sat staring at the cell entrance , not sure if he had imagined what he 'd seen , or not .
6 Then that noise stopped too and he was not sure if he had heard even that .
7 When George Bush called for Saddam to be deposed , it was clear that : he did not want the Kurds to do it ( that would displease Turkey , Syria , Iran and Russia , and therefore , everybody else ) ; he did not want the Shiites to do it ( that would please Iran and so displease everybody else ) ; and he was not sure if he wanted the Sunnis to do it ( because that might make the Kurds and the Shiites do it , too ) .
8 Now that was certainly the views of the President of the Board of Trade before er he er returned to the cabinet er at another time and I 'm not sure if he 's departed from these views but I think they 're worthy of some weight .
9 However , under the test derived from Caldwell , a person is not reckless if he thinks about the possible risk but decides that it does not obtain .
10 Bacci was n't sure if he 'd done the right thing .
11 There was a moral in there somewhere but Preston was n't sure if he 'd cracked it yet .
12 Her boyfriend ended up on the floor , she was n't sure if he 'd been punched or pushed .
13 Jean-Paul was n't sure if he believed him .
14 He was n't sure if he liked what the Headmaster had in store for the Bookman and they had started arguing about it .
15 In the end he gave up trying to analyse his own feelings , or even totally understand them , and lay there relaxed , listening for the slow , regular breathing of sleep , and was n't sure if he detected it or not — The door opened briefly at one point and a young man 's voice said " Shit , " but Graham did n't even turn to look ; he knew it could be nothing which would disturb them .
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