Example sentences of "not [prep] be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The CAA SRG input to them will be that a passenger who has paid to be flown , as a passenger , has the right not to be exposed to a higher risk than any other passenger who has paid to be flown .
2 This new approach , it seemed , was not to be made so publicly , not to be exposed to the expedient treason of little devious minds far removed from the battlefields on which honest men met , and contended , and killed one another without malice .
3 These are not to be connected to the other compartments .
4 ‘ They have a very complex structure and at first sight they appear not to be connected in any way , ’ said Professor Mann .
5 ‘ As I 'm no longer to live here I would also be pleased not to be troubled by the police . ’
6 And on twenty five minutes , Nigel Mott got that opening goal as an excellent through ball from Paul Biddle found him in space and he placed the ball wide of the Fairmile goalkeeper Mark Carrigan ; Fairmile were not to be perturbed by this as on their half an hour Wayne Glossop went close for the home side .
7 Radji thinks he ought to go back to Teheran so as not to be lumped with the more infamous of the Shahs associates " in peoples minds .
8 This is emphasised by the fact that the parent claimed to be asserting a ‘ right not to be dictated to ’ — at the expense of his/her child 's right to education .
9 Although this review has so far concentrated on those findings which reveal most clearly opposite visual hemifield superiorities for verbal and non-verbal ( especially visuo-spatial ) stimuli it is impossible for one familiar with work in this field not to be struck by the lability of the laterality effects reported ( Cohen , 1982 ) .
10 But I defy anyone looking at any part of the earth 's history closely and with an open mind , not to be struck by the super-abundance and ubiquity of particular fossils .
11 It is a chance not to be missed for Italian politics to make a new start .
12 Not to be missed on the central and right hand crags are : Tychodrome ( Severe ) , Crecerelle and Doctor Cynoque ( VS ) , Plaisir du Gourmet and Concerto No 3 en Sol Majeur ( E1 5b ) , Verdon ( E2 5b ) , Les Amants de la Deroute and Dimanche à la Campagne ( E2 5c ) , and Dimanche Inachevé ( E3 5c ) .
13 Not to be missed by admirers of this conductor at his best .
14 In the late eighteenth century , John and William Hunter had built up collections of anatomical specimens for teaching purposes ; the Hunterian Collection in London became one of the sights not to be missed by the intellectual tourist in the early Victorian period , when Richard Owen was in charge of it .
15 Don Carlos ( Verdi ) Rosalind Plowright as Queen Elisabeth of Spain , Gwynne Howell as Philip II and Jonathan Summers as the defiant Posa , all not to be missed in David Pountney 's rather severe , economical production of Verdi 's masterpiece , superbly conducted by Mark Elder .
16 That wedding feast sounds like a party not to be missed in Wachet auf , while Mary sings with the deepest joy in Meine Seele erhebt den Herren .
17 However the Bradford striker was not to be denied on the half hour .
18 However the Bradford striker was not to be denied on the half hour .
19 He was starting to feel like a bundle of notes about himself in a case-history folder in hospital , one of the folders labelled ‘ NOT TO BE HANDLED BY PATIENT . ’
20 Some 80,000 customers bought cards from us last year , and even with a 60p average unit price , this is turnover not to be sneered at .
21 Violent and peaceful social interaction is not to be understood through the search for a thing called ‘ aggression ’ , but through the sensitive and detailed explication of the values and meanings that embody and shape behaviour in different social settings .
22 These are not to be understood as a simple cycle of something being externalized as object , recognized as such , and then embodied , but rather as a complex series of strategies which may include splitting and inversion .
23 Robert Owen is not to be understood at all except as a man of his time , of the French Political and the British Industrial Revolutions ; nor fully to be understood except as a man of the first stage of the Industrial Revolution .
24 Society , then , is not to be understood in terms of a simple hierarchy , but as a continual struggle over the hierarchy of hier-archies ; that is , whether , in this case , that of wealth should prevail over that of knowledge .
25 In 1973 the tide turned with a 5-to-4 majority ruling by the Supreme Court in Miller v California that obscenity , as narrowly defined , was not protected by the First Amendment , and that each state could set its own standard : ‘ People in different States vary in their tastes and attitudes , and this diversity is not to be strangled by the absolutism of imposed uniformity . ’
26 I appeal to the international community not to be flattered into believing that all these cosmetic changes are real changes , and to see to it that we , have a voice and a vote .
27 They may not be significant — they may not even be there — but , if they are , the danger of overlooking them is not to be ignored in their effects on others also .
28 Only she , of all the women , seemed not to be competing for his attention .
29 ( 1890 , p. 214 ) The subject-object relation is not to be characterized as the subject 's attending to the content , or anything of the kind .
30 did you ever raise with him back in January nineteen eighty eight something that you and Mr had both raised before , namely that what goes into the brochure is not to be relied on you 've got to look at the solicitors correspondence , to interpret what is in the brochure , did you ? , did you ever raise that with Mr the solicitor 's correspondence ?
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