Example sentences of "not [adv] [adj] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It is not altogether easy to understand his methods of discharging business .
2 That is , she is exempt from supervision but not wholly free to choose her own activities .
3 ‘ Do I take it you 're not entirely disappointed to see me back ? ’
4 It is not entirely true to say everyone who is anyone has been coached there , but a heck of a lot have — Frank Tyson , Fred Titmus , Ted Dexter , Viv Richards and the teenage Ken Barrington , who hung around day after day asking questions .
5 But it is also possible and not less agreeable to regard it as the gradual assumption by all the nations concerned of that larger sovereignty which can alone protect their diverse and distinctive customs and characteristics and their national traditions . ’
6 It will be comforting to me at any rate personally to know that even so eminent a , a , er an ornament of the present administration as my Noble Friends also found these th th this material a matter for stumbling and was not perhaps inclined to give it a crown of lucidity .
7 Her grasp of English was obviously limited , and she was not much inclined to stretch it further .
8 And , considering the alternatives , I 'm not much inclined to blame her . "
9 Relaxing a little , she told herself that having discovered the identity of R , it was not so essential to grill him after all ; but on the other hand , there was still the matter of the concealed photograph to be explained .
10 Everybody knew and said I should leave , but it 's not so easy to leave your home and all the furniture I 'd bought when I was on the railway .
11 But it was not so easy to brush him off afterwards .
12 It clearly had very different meanings in these teachers ' minds , but although we talked about these together , it was not so easy to put them into words .
13 ‘ It is not so easy to turn your whole life inside out , ’ says Sergei , and moves in his knight to mate my pepperpot king .
14 It is not so easy to gauge what his emphasis on the book 's Wagnerian aspect really implied .
15 Line A acquires its specific meaning in the light of line B. It is not so rewarding to ask which terms of A correspond to which terms of B , as to ask whether and in what way line B specifies line A.
16 It is quite happy to hand the promises out , but not so happy to tell us how they will be financed .
17 it 's not so important to get it perfect .
18 Again she considered that she may be falling in love with him but this time she was not so quick to dismiss it .
19 Not only proud to display her naked breasts — which attracted some criticism from some quarters for their shape and size — Kylie was revelling in the debate about her body .
20 I was not only surprised to find they had plenty of timber for fence posts , but also that it cost far less than new wood .
21 Such a child , left to himself , grows up not only unable to express himself but unable to reason .
22 This biography is not merely content to tell you everything you ever wanted to know about Dickens ( interesting fact : Dickens spoke with a slight ‘ metallic burr ’ in his voice ) ; nor does it stop at telling you everything you never wanted to know about Dickens ( uninteresting fact : there were white Christmases for the first eight years of Dickens ' life ) ; it goes so far , as with that unidentified novel , as to let you know when it can not tell you something .
23 It is enough for me to say that , on the basis of those two cases , the arguments of the two councils in the Stoke-on-Trent case struck your Lordships as being very powerful , but not sufficiently powerful to persuade your Lordships ' House that it need not refer the matter to the European Court of Justice under article 177 .
24 For example , in Britain , West Germany and Australia differences of interest between skilled and unskilled manual workers exist , but are not sufficiently deep to prevent their labour movements and social democratic parties from maintaining a working unity .
25 His undiluted radicalism was illustrated by his admission that ‘ my command of the English Language is not sufficiently wide to allow me to put into words the intense hatred and detestation I have for England . ’
26 The predictions of economic theory are not sufficiently clear-cut to permit us to proscribe monopoly outright .
27 Well , she was not exactly overjoyed to have him acting as her chauffeur , either !
28 Cases ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) , involving chelating and bridging ligands , lead to slightly reduced frequencies for both bond stretches , down to about 1500 cm -1 for and about 900 cm -1 for , and it is not usually possible to distinguish them in this way .
29 The offer of some greater good in the future , however , is not usually sufficient to guarantee our belief in present conformity , and it is in this connection that we must introduce an additional need : the need for a sense of fairness , or justice .
30 Rather than create a new institution , is it not more feasible to improve our existing one , the police ?
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