Example sentences of "not [art] [noun] [verb] him " in BNC.

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1 She had not the heart to embarrass him by refusing a request so diffidently expressed .
2 ‘ I know , I know , it 's early days , as you said — but you 're just not the type to let him go this far if you had any serious doubts . ’
3 This was not the moment to lecture him on the facts of hospital life , so I said briefly , ‘ Patients prefer two to one , ’ and asked if he had explained his position to Sister .
4 This was not the moment to tell him that six people had to put money into a building society for every borrower who took it out , and some of the six must read the paper .
5 This was not the time to antagonise him , not if she wanted to get home soon and in one piece .
6 Now 's not the time to cross him ! ’
7 Now was not the time to tell him how she had tried to phone her mother , had dialled the number and her father answered .
8 But now was not the time to tell him .
9 Yet she had n't the heart to forbid him to smoke when he had so few comforts left .
10 But I have n't the heart to drive him back to the warren .
11 And why did n't the policeman want him to see the suite ?
12 Trainer Frank Berry reckons he is now in the clear but he has n't the form to recommend him .
13 She was terrified that he would refuse , knowing she had n't the strength to force him , and would n't even if she could .
14 This was n't the moment to tell him about her earlier worries .
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