Example sentences of "not [verb] it [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As long as history is assumed to operate according to the protocols of a conventional logic , where a contradiction simply means you can not think it or do it as Hirst supposes , then it remains at the impasse he describes .
2 If you have a good facing brick , it is generally best not to paint it or seal it with any kind of coating .
3 He did not eat it but put it in his pocket , where it would lie forgotten for months .
4 Such a formulation would require those asking the questions to confront the real problems : the need to understand that the aspiration to the exercise of democratic right and the discharge of democratic responsibility must arise from those who would exercise the right and discharge the responsibility and is not to be thrust upon those who do not want it or induced in those who are indifferent to it ; the need for a form of organisation such that the interests of ownership and labour would be congruent ; and the need to recognise that since accountability , above all , is the test of authentic democracy , then by that same test there will be some circumstances in which the general case for industrial democracy is over-ridden .
5 His article outlines the failure of research programmes in Argentina , Peru and Colombia during the last fifty years ( p.27 ) but does not explain it or help us to find a way round the problem .
6 For a moment , Eleanor Thorne did not recognise it and wondered whose hand it might be .
7 It says that recent years have seen a transformation in Britain 's manufacturing base , and it condemns those who do not recognise it and continue to run down the achievements of British industry .
8 The captain , who had done this sort of thing before , did not discuss it and discouraged any of his officers and men from doing so .
9 As Bob Hope said of the Stealth bomber , ‘ If it is supposed to be invisible to radar , why do n't we just not build it and tell the Russians it 's there ? ’
10 He could not know it but to talk of aborting Catherine , who was a living child , a person , was like coolly contemplating murder .
11 Candles give a warm glow to the festive arrangements ( but make sure they are far enough from the wallpaper not to scorch it or damage it with hot wax ) .
12 To be given life and not to serve it or embellish it . … ’
13 People own masses of land , not developing it or working it .
14 Why not do it and leave it ready the day before , then all that is needed is one minute to set the garter carriage in operation and you will come home to a sleeve which only has to be cast off .
15 However , shortly before the List 's publication , I received a visit from Harold Evans , then the editor of the Sunday Times , who came to breakfast and rather slyly asked if I had seen it ; to which I replied that I had not seen it and knew nothing of its contents .
16 In Pearson v. Rose and Young ( 1950 C.A. ) the owner left his car with a dealer with instructions for the latter not to sell it but to see what offers could be obtained for it .
17 Having decided they had that power , they decided not to exercise it and made no order under that section .
18 Then I did not understand it but wished I did .
19 It does not touch it but vibrates its wings : in response the ant opens its jaws , between which the mosquito pushes its proboscis and steals the honey dew .
20 He banned books , seized passports , expelled foreigners , legalised detention without trial though he did not use it and dismissed international protests about torture of the still-gaoled leftist ex-leaders .
21 This may mean returning it to the dealer or manufacturer , but certainly not incinerating it or throwing it out with other household waste that ends up in a shallow landfill .
22 Her part of the bargain was to keep that body in good working order , not to abuse it or damage it , and so far she had managed to do that pretty well .
23 Cruttenden ( 1970 ) argues that intonation is affected by and reflects the grammar of what is said , but does not alter it or contribute to it .
24 Our pattern will return of course , as we did not erase it or switch off the controller .
25 Oliver started to ask whether they could not drop it and go home , but it struck him that he was in a precarious position and he kept quiet .
26 But when you can not measure it and express it in numbers , your knowledge is of a very meagre and unsatisfying kind . "
27 Ecclestone , president of the Formula One Constructors Association , had pleaded with him not to do it and added : ‘ I 'm frightened for him .
28 And so , when you come to the bible and you read the account of Jesus here on the earth , turning the water into wine , of Jesus stilling the storm , when you into the old testament and you read accounts there of the children of Israel , of the me , of the tremendous miracles that were performed by Jehovah , God for them well of course , there 's a natural explanation to it , because you ca n't do these things , there are natural laws that stop you doing them you can not take a glass of water , even if you 're God , you can not take it and make it into a glass of wine instantly , it 's got natural processes to go through .
29 Transferred to the realm of gender relations , this would describe the state of affairs in which a woman has influence over a man and manipulates his discourses , but is allowed this power only as long as she agrees not to flaunt it and remains in the position of silent partner with no autonomous voice .
30 Why not try it and see … look at our list below .
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