Example sentences of "not [verb] it from the " in BNC.

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1 Thirdly , and consequentially , I argued that the elements of harmful consequences liability which are exhibited by the criminal law do not disqualify it from the status of positive moral order , because conventional morality ( as opposed to the critical morality of Kant or Smith , for example ) incorporates a notion of moral luck and indeed our ordinary moral attitudes would be unrecognizable without some such idea .
2 My source tells me : ‘ The firemen were very helpful and attempted to remove the offending smoke sensor but could not isolate it from the system so the demonstration continued with shorter cooking times and lower temperatures to reduce the flames .
3 She fell to her knees by the head of her youngest son , cradled it , yet did not lift it from the snow .
4 The adoral shields are large , slightly convex and situated totally proximal to the oral shield not separating it from the first lateral arm plate .
5 The adoral shields are nearly rectangular and situated almost entirely proximal to the oral shield not separating it from the first lateral arm plate .
6 They lie proximal to the oral shield and not separating it from the first lateral arm plate .
7 The adoral shields are large and are restricted to the proximal sides of the oral shield , not separating it from the first lateral arm plate .
8 The adoral shields are short , slightly curved and situated proximal to the oral shield , not separating it from the first lateral arm plate .
9 The adoral shields are slightly convex occupy a large portion of the jaw proximal to the oral shield , not separating it from the first lateral arm plate .
10 The adoral shields are curved and situated proximal to the oral shield , not separating it from the first lateral arm plate .
11 The adoral shields are large , not particularly wing-like , restricted to the proximal sides of the oral shield , not separating it from the first lateral arm plate .
12 The adoral shields are convex , restricted to the proximal sides of the oral shield and not separating it from the first lateral arm plate .
13 The adoral shields are small slightly convex but not particularly wing-like , and restricted to the proximal edges of the oral shield , not separating it from the first lateral arm plate .
14 The adoral shields are approximately triangular and restricted to the proximal sides of oral shields , not separating it from the first lateral arm plate ; they often do not meet in the midline proximal to the oral shields .
15 She has certainly not privatized it from the Constitution , for all Michael Heseltine 's complaints .
16 How stupid she 'd been not to realise it from the start .
17 Mr Hitchens said : ‘ We did not get it from the Labour party . ’
18 No you do n't do it from the outside of the ring .
19 He just hoped they could n't see it from the stalls .
20 and the shops behind the trees is n't it bushes ? , you ca n't see it from the road can you ?
21 Allow timber containers to absorb some moisture outside first , so they do n't draw it from the fruit and cause it to shrivel .
22 The sign was peeling and you could n't read it from the other side of the square but the Three Towns knew who Whalbys ' were without that .
23 You could n't tell it from the real thing . ’
24 She ought n't to learn it from the police or the television news . ’
25 We had delivered it but they had n't taken it from the gate house to you know , normal procedure but they , we delivered it normally but they had n't taken it to the exact part of the hospital it was going to .
26 Well you see it may be important where the information came from , you did n't get it from the cards , you say you were getting information from all directions .
27 It 's a Dulux but you ca n't get it from the shop .
28 Well they ca n't push it from the top
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