Example sentences of "not [verb] [adv] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 It 's a bunch that rides steadily , guided by experienced domestiques who know how to keep going and not lose so much time that they will be eliminated from the Tour as a whole .
2 I was not to work again full time until the end of 1988 .
3 These two key questions are not answered definitively first time round .
4 Though EIGHT may read well , he may not spend as much time at reading by himself as he did at seven and he again likes very much to be read to .
5 You have to plan each meal to make sure both that the patient has a well balanced diet , and that you do not spend too much time and energy on journeys to and from the kitchen .
6 Opposition Members desperately hope that he will not run away this time .
7 Having previously discussed it with John , I declined to join them on their expedition to the temples at P. as I feel it is important to them both to have time alone with each other , especially as is at the moment a bit jealous of the twin at school here ( though of course he , chose to opt out of Gordonstoun ) and has anyway not spent as much time with John in recent years as no 2 ! has .
8 Because of his working hours he is not giving as much time as he ought perhaps to his family , although he 's always tried to ensure that weekends are devoted to his children .
9 It was becoming the rule not the exception that launches did not go right first time , but BBC2 settled down quite quickly as a recognized minority channel .
10 To answer the hon. Gentleman 's other points — I hope , not taking too much time over it — the debt-on-wind-up provisions were originally linked , as I think the hon. Gentleman knows , with the wider provisions for limited price indexation .
11 By all means make plans for tomorrow but try not to spend so much time engrossed in those plans that you forget to live today .
12 The great thing about drilling is that it can be fun , but remember not to spend too much time on one particular drill , since boredom can easily set in and have a disruptive influence .
13 At first I could not devote so much time to the orchestra but by the early 1960s I was coming to a position where I was able to be with the orchestra a very great deal , working for eight or ten days at a time on concerts , records , and films .
14 The Wisharts , who lived in North London , were not looking forward to the long train journey one little bit ; being just after the war , the trains were run down , lacked essential maintenance and did n't keep very good time , so the Wisharts regarded the prospects of the journey with considerable misgivings .
15 A because we have n't got that much time and B because the little bit more pressure you 're under the more likely likely to leave certain things out so maybe you 've got the point .
16 The strangest point came from Steve the sculptor : ‘ At least you do n't spend as much time rushing to the loo as when you drink lemonade , and you burp less . ’
17 Do n't spend too much time on what is n't .
18 2 Do n't spend too much time correcting one individual or just saying " NO " .
19 They actually do n't spend too much time looking at the screen , they 're actually using dumb terminals to enter data very quickly .
20 The first thing and these are statistical problems that we wo n't spend too much time on them but just make sure they are our error term in this equation , right , is no longer a random error term it 's dependent on it 's value in the previous period right , cos B T actually represents U T minus sumfunction of E T minus one right .
21 and then gradually try and re do n't , do n't spend too much time trying to reconstruct the past because that , you know , you just get further and further behind with the present stuff so you know kind of try and at least make sure that , you know , maybe if you get a job you wo n't be able to go to all the classes but at least make sure you , you are in contact with somebody who has that you can get notes off every time , you know , that erm oh hello
22 You should n't spend so much time with her you know .
23 Do n't run away this time .
24 She has n't spent so much time up there since she 's been three .
25 What 's good about this is that it does n't take too much time .
26 We want to help , as long as it does n't take too much time or effort , or make us too obsessive and puritanical .
27 Let me put it this way , I 'm doing the one job in the world which I really want to do , which I love — and work to me is pleasure , so I do n't have very much time and even the things I do in a way are relaxation .
28 he does n't have very much time .
29 He wo n't have so much time for the horses , so I 'm going to be useful at least . "
30 I just do n't have that much time . ’
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