Example sentences of "not [verb] [conj] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In real life you will not have this limitation , but it will still be important not to ramble and repeat yourself .
2 No it 's not sit and watch somebody else do it it wo n't hurt her
3 I do not exist except to serve you and give you pleasure .
4 But many hospitals have ‘ built-up ’ pockets of specialisms and she does not think that concentrating them on fewer sites would mean the loss of centres of excellence .
5 So , as soon as the misbehaviour begins , turn away or walk away from your child ; pretend not to see or hear what is going on ; say nothing and try not to show any expression at all ; resist getting into any debate , argument or discussion with your child while he or she is misbehaving .
6 On the other hand , do not dramatise or exaggerate it .
7 But it 's not just , it 's not labelling and screening them it 's
8 It is not fear that impedes us , but how we handle our fears .
9 The more one can do , the more careful one has to be not to go and do it .
10 ‘ I think you 'll find it 's not hate that makes you react as you do , Shannon .
11 Not eating nor drinking anything , not even so much as a crumb .
12 ‘ We are under instruction not to confirm or deny anything , ’ she said .
13 The banks normally could not restrict or avoid their liability for breach of their duty of care towards their customers , the plaintiffs in the case , but their lawyers suggested that the deed of release did just that .
14 Shamefully , she had had a vision of his body naked , even before they had gone to bed together , her first intimation that she was beginning to feel more for him than she ought , for the vision had not frightened but intrigued her .
15 At the time of publishing our brochure , most of the dates and artists are still not arranged and to help you find your way through the information maze , we have set up our own Jazz Club ‘ All That Jazz ’ , ( membership is free ) .
16 I feel that South Africa has cleaned its house out but that the rest of the world will not recognise or accept it . "
17 All too often , individuals do not recognise or understand their risk management responsibilities .
18 We are called to resist him ( 1 Pet 5:9 ) , not to know or understand him .
19 The measures are designed to deter non-essential traffic and to encourage drivers of essential vehicles to proceed slowly and considerately , not to obstruct and frustrate them .
20 If I did not trust and live his fantasy image of myself I could no longer reach out to distorted splinters and did not know where to begin to look for myself .
21 I 'm not signing or changing anything Richard until we have exchanged contracts
22 When you cut the lupins down try not to shake or knock them too much , because this will spread the mildew spores .
23 As Roy said , ‘ How can you feel anything but deep affection for a man who has the humility and sincerity not to try and bluff it out ? ’
24 ‘ It seems a shame not to try and do something for him after he 's sent a letter all that way . ’
25 It 's best not to try and fit it in during school breaks because you need a continuous stretch of time at it .
26 ‘ The brief as far as I was concerned was not to imitate a dancehall record , not to try and pretend it came from Gussie 's Music Works or it was a Firehouse Crew production or something .
27 How contemptible his flight must have appeared to her whom , not long before , he himself had urged not to try and solve her difficulties by running away .
28 My favourite drum sounds have always been The Glitter Band 's so I thought it was silly not to try and track them down .
29 In his concluding essay , Urwick wrote : The club can catch him , but can not discipline him , the Boys ' Brigade can discipline him to a small extent , but can not catch or keep him when he most needs it ; the voluntary evening school can do neither .
30 He was eventually paid off — and apparently he got more money for not appearing than playing his set .
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