Example sentences of "not [verb] [verb] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , as McKendrick has pointed out , increased spending on a greater volume and range of consumer goods does not need to have been general or even typical .
2 He is not said to have been holy , and looks like a successful career churchman , often occupied with the king 's business , and willing to contravene church law by practising pluralism .
3 Clovis 's own action , however , does not appear to have been traditional .
4 After Edward 's departure for England in 1274 Tany 's powers and authority as seneschal were carefully defined , but his rule does not appear to have been successful .
5 Although , on the face of it , this might not appear to have been conducive to the development of industry-wide bargaining paradoxically such ‘ division by occupation promoted bargaining by industry ’ ( Phelps Brown , 1959 , p. 362 ) .
6 Swiftly a ‘ marriage bar ’ was introduced , though its application does not appear to have been universal in the civil service until 1894 when government typists ( hitherto an ‘ unestablished ’ all-female grade ) obtained permanent , pensionable ‘ established ’ status by agreeing to a rule requiring automatic resignation on marriage .
7 As for Constantine 's ‘ conversion ’ — if that is the appropriate word — it does not appear to have been Christian at all , but conventionally pagan .
8 However , after a number of years of operation , the APU does not appear to have been conspicuous in its success : most of the background measures are of little use , and there are difficulties in relevant measures .
9 At the time of my claim the fact that it was not going to rain was evidence-transcendent , as all claims about the future must be .
10 Police said cause had not been established but there were not thought to have been suspicious circumstances .
11 Proving ignorance of facts that one might or might not have known is impossible , unless one has been in a well-documented coma .
12 She is not known to have been involved in any way .
13 Its only concern has been to ensure that he really does so act , by the general rule which excludes from evidence any confession which is not proved to have been voluntary .
14 Even Wat Tyler , the most famous of these , does not seem to have been involved in the earliest disturbances in Kent , as he is not mentioned in indictments dealing with disorder in Canterbury on 10 and 11 June , when the leader was John Hales of Malling .
15 Moreover , the decorative features of the temple ( carvings of palmtrees , capitals like lilies , capitals festooned with network , pomegranates , and open flowers ) are all prominent in the repertory of St Polyeuktos , although they do not seem to have been current in contemporary Byzantine sculpture .
16 Unlike most other musicians , he did not seem to have been impressed by Louis Armstrong 's seminal appearance at the London Palladium in 1932 .
17 John MacCulloch , M.D. , who was a geologist , did visit Islay but does not seem to have been impressed .
18 John MacCulloch , M.D. , who was a geologist , did visit Islay but does not seem to have been impressed .
19 Although they do not seem to have been familiar with the work of Saussure , Wimsatt and Brooks here might appear to be approaching his principle that the meaning of words is purely conventional and arbitrary .
20 So far as mining is concerned , the long colliery shifts of the nineteenth century do not seem to have been usual in the eighteenth .
21 Such logic does not seem to have been present in the court 's decision in R v.
22 In spite of this , Gloucester 's links with the Cliffords themselves do not seem to have been close .
23 In spite of this , Gloucester 's links with the Cliffords themselves do not seem to have been close .
24 The resulting brand of individualism thus contains a radical anomaly , affecting half of those present — an anomaly which , however , does not seem to have been visible until light was specially directed on to it by feminists .
25 Nguyen Ai Quoc does not seem to have been prominent in these discussions although he was included in a group photograph with Roy , Tan Malaka , and other Asian delegates including three from Japan .
26 In terms of the ‘ demographic transition ’ it is a great puzzle to explain why the response to them was so late in a relatively literate , urbanized , and industrialized society where returns from children do not seem to have been plausible for a long time ( R. M. Smith 1981 ) .
27 Though the authorities do not seem to have been aware of the scale and significance of capital flows within the sterling area , they were aware that the exchange controls in that area were not all that London hoped .
28 William Pitt had said something similar a hundred years before , ‘ Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it ’ , but before that the idea does not seem to have been attractive .
29 It is fair to add that Leeds does not seem to have been unique in this respect : reporting on an inspection carried out in ‘ ethnically diverse areas within three LEAs ’ ( including five Leeds Phase 1 PNP schools ) in March 1988 , HMI remarked that ‘ none of the three LEAs had specific policies for parent school liaison ’ ( DES 1988a ) .
30 Rabbits were bred specially and do not seem to have been common until relatively recently .
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