Example sentences of "not [conj] they [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Not that they corresponded exactly , but they were close enough .
2 His first comment was : ‘ I have n't seen much of Matthew recently ’ — as though they had n't happened to meet in the street for a week or two — not that they had n't spoken for nearly thirty years . ’
3 It was not that they went away , it was that they became interwoven with the strange elusive echoes and the memories that lingered in the vast dark Castle .
4 Not that they have n't known each other usually for years , but such formality has its necessary place , for there are again the exceptions .
5 The doctors and the teachers and the artists — not that they have n't their traitors , but what hope there is , is with them — with us .
6 The outcome — a resounding victory for the home team , not that they appeared particularly surprised .
7 Yeah , I mean I The important thing is I think the children do recognize the differences , not that they do n't notice the differences , because they 're Like you say they 're capable of using the other if it if it suits them .
8 Not that they did n't work ; it just seems that teaching machines have no charisma or charm .
9 Not that they did n't have an appreciation of the arts because they were a very musical family .
10 It was not that they did n't know about the brain .
11 Answer — not if they end up with no males .
12 Perhaps , but not if they do not know about you , if they have no money , or if they all happen to be cat lovers !
13 Not if they do n't know about it . ’
14 Not if they do n't work or something , do they ?
15 It was not until they had just left the Church that Joan discovered they were going for two weeks to Tenerife .
16 But of Doreen there was no sign — at least not until they went inside and she emerged from her bedroom , where she had been weeping .
17 Not until they come down will people begin to crawl out from under their loads of debt .
18 It was not until they came out into the clearing where the lame horse was dismally hobbling amongst the forest grasses that he became aware of what had happened .
19 It was not until they levelled out that she thought again about the possibility of living to a ripe old age .
20 not and they had like from end to the other
21 Or not unless they join in wholeheartedly with the other lot .
22 They 're quite appear quite Well I do n't know whether they 're happy living in the flats or not but they seem quite normal people , they talk about the normal thing that people always talked about .
23 Not till they got there .
24 Mother says : People only lose because they 're not strong enough , not because they do n't want to fight or are n't good at fighting .
25 This is not because they do n't enjoy the subject but because of the way the courses are structured .
26 The idea is graphically summarised by Alison Norman : ‘ We are all familiar with the advertisements and Christmas begging letters which ask for money in terms which suggest that old people are in danger of hypothermia or social isolation simply because they are old — not because they do not have sufficient incomes to heat and repair their homes or to pay for a taxi or telephone . ’
27 Typically , teachers ask questions not because they do not know the answers , but because they want to test their pupils ' knowledge .
28 Negative mistakes , they say , arise from boredom with banal material , Controversially , they explore substitutions psychoanalytically , giving examples of cases where children make deviant responses , not because they do not know the original words , but because they do not want to say them .
29 Also , young children 's answers to examination questions may be off the mark , not because they do not know what they are being tested for , but because they misinterpret the examiner 's intention .
30 If open hostilities have not commenced with the Nez Perce it is not because they have not been outraged to that degree when ‘ forbearance ceases to be a virtue . ’
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