Example sentences of "he made a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But 'e made a bit o' Welsh rarebit after some coaxing. 'E 's not as incapable as 'e looks , I 've come to 't conclusion . "
2 Later in life he made a trilogy of films about the theatre , of which The Golden Coach is one of the most ravishing .
3 Robert Service may not have struck it rich in finding Yukon gold , but he made a fortune from his books of verse , which sold into millions of copies .
4 He made a fortune from a variety of " rackets " , aided by the corruption of the city authorities that spread from the Mayor , " Bill Bill " Thompson , down to the policemen on the beat .
5 Wright , a player I 've admired since he made a name for himself at Crystal Palace , was strangely ignored for the European championship finals .
6 Although Ballinger knew little Welsh , he made a name as a bibliographer by publishing the monumental Catalogue of Printed Literature in the Welsh Department of Cardiff Free Library ( 1898 ) , articles on Vicar Prichard of Llandovery ( 1899 ) , and on the Trevecca printing press ( 1905 ) , and The Bible in Wales ( 1906 ) , all with the assistance of James Ifano Jones .
7 After we 'd sorted out his problems … he made a way for me to forget my pride … and come over to see you .
8 One symptom of the pope 's embarrassment is that for the first and last time he made a concession to Anselm on the subject of the primacy of Canterbury , which we must deal with later .
9 Henry and he made a treaty of alliance , agreeing that Richard should be betrothed to one of the Count 's daughters and that , when married , they should be granted the duchy of Aquitaine .
10 The hair of his bush floated and he made a swell in the water with his hand to make it ride up and down like seaweed over waves .
11 They challenged him and he made a run for it .
12 Through her tears she saw Garry scaling the wall as he made a run for it .
13 She watched as he made a run for the barn , her holdall , cumbersome and heavy , in one hand , across the stepping-stones , the mud , the quagmire that would , if Robyn had her way , soon become a large paved terrace .
14 City 's miserable week was confirmed when with eighty two minutes gone , Steve Brown brought down Cowell in the area as he made a run for the by-line .
15 He made a question of it , and Buffy laughed .
16 He made a mess of things in the park , but it 's the first time he 's got it wrong .
17 Oh they 're okay erm just one thing , erm I went to the dentist up over there in Street , and he made a mess of filling two teeth .
18 Anyway , he was no good with needles , and he made a mess of his veins .
19 He made a likeness of Helen of Troy which convinced all who came to sacrifice there that the Trojan War had been well fought ; and for this famous portrait , Zeuxis had lined up the young women of Croton , and taking an ear from one , the set of chin from another , the legs , the arms and stomach and so forth of others , he had assembled his divine beauty .
20 Vuk 's next project was a Serbian dictionary , and to help him in collecting words to include in it he made a journey to Serbia in 1816 on his way back to Vienna , calling on his old friend the archimandrite Lukian Mušički in the monastery at Šišatovac in the Fruška Gora .
21 His spiritualist interest began in late teens , and colours much of the work — notably an interesting poetic story about how he made a promise with a friend that whichever of them was first to the ‘ other side ’ would attempt to communicate to the other — and how it happened .
22 So he made a couple of phone calls to Osnabrück-he found he 'd been given a room with an Engineer regiment-then sipped a lager until train time .
23 He made a bed for the tired girl among the dead leaves , and covered her with his coat .
24 ’ There could be no doubt that when a garage proprietor sold petrol to a customer he made a contract of sale ( i.e. of the petrol ) with the customer , since the customer agreed to pay a ‘ money consideration , ’ the price .
25 He made a sketch of the inn they frequented , adjoining a big coal shed .
26 He did locate the apple orchard from which Liebermann had composed a large picture , and he made a sketch of it .
27 Whether he did this is questionable , as in the following months he made a kitchen in the east end of the greenhouse .
28 It looked at me in the kind of easy , assessing way dogs on their peculiar errands do look at strangers — and then looked again , and stopped dead : his hackles rose : he backed , he made a kind of howling noise , turned tail , and fled .
29 Then he made a sign to Sikes to tell Nancy to leave the room .
30 He accompanied this with a rude gesture — some say it was a noise , others that he stuck out his tongue , or even that he made a sign with his forearm .
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