Example sentences of "he 'll be [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The magistrates have now called a pre-sentence report -- and he 'll be summoned back to court for sentencing on November the Ninth .
2 He 'll be hung over .
3 He 'll be kicked upstairs for a year or so before taking early retirement . ’
4 Granddaughter is doing well and , trained in all aspects of babycare such as nappy changing and bottle feeding , expects he 'll be contacted soon for baby sitting duties .
5 Cos he 'll eat them , he 'll be stood there waiting for them coming out of the blooming oven !
6 Tomorrow , he 'll be flown back to his ship , where officers will decide his punishment .
7 He 'll be tracked down and caught , and then all of you — ‘
8 Stamina ( 15 credits ) : If a player runs out of energy or stamina , he 'll be carried off on a stretcher .
9 In FI he 'll be remembered more as Mr Nice than as a great driver : he won his championship in a car that probably a half-dozen drivers would have driven equally competently and successfully , and in that one year lost the one man who could really push him to greater excellence , Ronnie Peterson .
10 I am prepared to wait if I know that in the end he 'll be let in , but in the meantime I just want them to allow my children to attend school .
11 If the police get to him first , he 'll be put away for life . ’
12 He appears to have been ruled out although Eoin Jess WILL lead the attack despite Italian media suggestions that he 'll be left out .
13 ‘ I 'm sure he 'll be released very soon now , ’ Zen said as reassuringly as he knew how .
14 The mare will look after the foal until he 's at least five weeks old and then he 'll be weaned off in the natural way .
15 When the selling of the number plates is banned , Mr Wilkins says he 'll be forced out of business .
16 Because they know that by the time he gets to court , he 'll be thrown out , and all the time will be wasted ,
17 Well he 'll be pissed off all over it with football boots on .
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