Example sentences of "he could get the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I could n't , I do n't think he could get the other he got that one because of , i in my health you could n't they could n't say how long
2 He even tried to reload fast enough to have another crack at it , but it thumped into the wet heather near the river before he could get the shell into the gun .
3 The time UP is right , he had the opportunity and he had a good motive : with Sir Thomas out of the way , he could get the girl and her money .
4 By presenting the choices starkly on public spending and increases in taxation he could get the answers he wants .
5 The place next door had a large attic that could be divided into two or three rooms — he knew where he could get the partitions for next to nothing .
6 Two days before the funeral Henry was asked to give a short speech , and although he began by saying he would not be able to talk , did n't think he could get the words out , was no orator , ended , of course by accepting .
7 But just before he could get the words out , she begged him to do her a tremendous favour .
8 In seven months , he could get the Hopewell back to Virginia , and thence to London , with a request for more men and supplies to plant this colony .
9 He knew as he could come to me er he used to bring me lock keys of all sorts and er he could get the castings or the patterns or what it is like that and he knows I could fashion them to fit the lock and all that sort of thin and we were very
10 But if he could get the police to believe it was after … because that would mean it was still in her possession when she died … would n't it … ?
11 ‘ I need some sleep , ’ he said , hoping he could get the time he wanted .
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