Example sentences of "he could [verb] her [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She had always resented Luke , and feared the way he made her feel — because she must have sensed from the beginning the power he could and did have over her ; because he had deprived her of himself when he had had her dismissed from that very first job back in South Africa ; because something had led him to misjudge and despise her , and he was unable to see the truth ; because she had always known that he could break her heart
2 He could tell her face to face how sorry he was for the incident of the previous night .
3 When he could smell her perfume and hear the soft rustle of her skirt , he closed the door fully and held his breath .
4 He could smell her fear .
5 Marc demanded savagely , dragging her chin up so that he could analyse her reaction .
6 Dismayed at the pain he had inflicted and at the pain he himself felt in consequence , Richard rushed forward , then stopped a few feet from Victoria twisting from side to side in frustration , wondering how he could stop her crying .
7 He had n't been thinking anything of the sort and last night he had only suggested he could settle her business for her with a phone call to the manager , whom he knew well , because he wanted to take her out today instead of waiting outside hotels for her .
8 His fingers met the soft , masking texture of cloth , but beneath them he could feel her warmth , the firm softness of her sex .
9 He could feel her heart pounding .
10 Her lips were parted and he could feel her heartbeat against his chest .
11 He could feel her breath against his face .
12 She was peering over his shoulder , he could feel her breath on his neck , warm and then nothing , warm and then nothing .
13 She saw him scowl darkly as he scanned the page , and wondered for a few moments if perhaps , although he could speak her tongue almost as if he 'd been born in her country , he did not read English so well .
14 He could sense her nervousness and paused deliberately to light a cigarette , as he ambled casually towards her .
15 He could sense her fear .
16 She hesitated and he could sense her reluctance to continue .
17 She had broken the law unwittingly , but still she had broken it , and if Jake was really determined he could make her pay for it .
18 Might there be a chance that if he went back to England , he could make her care for him ?
19 And in daylight too , ’ he teased as though he could read her mind and know that never before had she been so uninhibited .
20 Once again he was ignoring Mitch and she felt he could read her mind .
21 Again she wondered if he could read her mind .
22 His hands left her shoulders as he breathed a sigh of relief , and his gaze locked with hers as if he could read her soul in its depth .
23 She gave a little whimper of denial , her flat fists pushing against his chest , but he had moved his hand behind her head and was pressing her against him , forcing her lips apart so that he could savage her mouth with his tongue .
24 The head girl , Nikki Carmichael , who is 18 and will be participating tomorrow in the poll proper , thought he was marvellous and said he could have her vote any time .
25 Mrs Fort , of Dagenham , Essex , died last year , five days after being punched and kicked by a boy who knocked on her door asking if he could search her garden for a lost football .
26 He could see her shape through the frosted half-glass ; he did n't think that she 'd be able to see him but he stayed close to the wall , just in case .
27 He could see her lip trembling and hoped she would not cry in public again .
28 From the front door he could see her walking along the road past the graveyard with three of her friends , their heavy skirts swinging .
29 He could see her face in the mirror .
30 She tried to slip free , but he moved round so that he could see her face more clearly .
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