Example sentences of "he 's just a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They call him ‘ the Hero of Hammerfest ’ , but he 's just a shit .
2 ‘ In fact he 's just a defeatist , a victim of Jewish masochism .
3 Some call him Nobski , others claim he 's just a cartoon , a caricature of damaging black stereotypes .
4 I suppose he 's just a technician .
5 If he 's just a boy … ’
6 But he 's just a boy .
7 ‘ Well , he 's just a boy .
8 Friends say the flaxen-haired singer is thinking about recording the B 52 's Rock Lobster hit but we reckon that he 's just a shellfish kind of a guy
9 ‘ Oh , Mum , he 's just a friend . ’
10 But he is a pillock , he 's I mean she , Catherine right his cous Russell 's cousin she 's really pretty , she 's rea she 's got a lovely skinny figure , everything and he 's just a pillock , there 's no other word for him .
11 Hoomey 's the only one willing , and he 's just a weed .
12 He 's just a kid you can not hit a wee kid .
13 He 's just a DK .
14 He 's just a DK .
15 But he 's just a regular , down to earth person , so I have great faith . ’
16 He 's just a vegetable now , thought Jack .
17 Du n no he 's just a dick apparently apparently .
18 He 's just a bit crazy , but he wo n't hurt you . ’
19 He 's just a bit set in his ways . ’
20 But he 's just a bit anxious because you have never flown before .
21 He 's just a bit cleverer than the rest , but willing to take advice with it , and is happy being the writer he always wanted to be .
22 He 's just a bit grumpy , he 's a bit grumpy at times , excellent barmen er I 'm usually down there s sampling the , the Diet Coke or some such wondrous thing like that .
23 He 's just a bit uptight — filming 's tough .
24 But he 's just a bit irritating cos he well you know I do , I do n't understand how you go through a whole relationship and everything , and then come to end of it and not even feel the slightest bit
25 Yeah , and also he lives so far out and he was saying you know , Julie 's up in er in Birmingham , Andy 's up in Birmingham , he 's had no one to see , Eileen 's come back up to Birmingham he sees quite a lot of and er I think he 's just a bit lonely .
26 Oh , hey he 's just a bit late .
27 He 's just a bit , he needs to calm down a bit cos he 's not got , he 's got quite a nice face .
28 He 's just a yob , right ?
29 Finally he said : ‘ Look , Marie , he 's just a yob , that 's all .
30 He 's just a soldier
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