Example sentences of "he had not [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was something he had not felt for a very long time .
2 One of them was that he opened his morning newspaper with an enthusiasm he had not felt for years .
3 The fact was , he had not felt in the book the impress of Walter Machin 's personality , as he had come to know it — or to think that he knew it .
4 Even in prison he had not felt like this .
5 He had not asked to be made ‘ controller ’ of the Pessarane Behesht cell in Paris .
6 He knew perfectly well that the software was going into the Ministry of Defence , he had not asked to what use it would be put when it was installed , and he certainly hoped there would be more of the same .
7 By looking at him now you could sense that future , and his eyes reminded you that he had not asked to be born .
8 But he had not asked after her ; unsuspected questioning of her mother had told her that .
9 He had played so extraordinarily fair with her the night before , he reflected , contentedly , that it was as if he had not played at all .
10 The Countess of Tyrone was there too , as were the High Sheriff Mr Brian Thomas , Mr and Mrs Galen Weston , and their tall good-looking son Mr Galen Weston Jnr , who all flew from Windsor by helicopter ; and , who told me he had not played in England for ten years !
11 The " ordinary reader " would infer that the " fixing " had involved the team as well as Packer , and that the captain of the team would have been party to the plot even though he had not played in the match .
12 Eugenius then tried to dissolve the Council he had not wanted in the first place .
13 He did not blame the boy , or Jean-Paul , or Algeria , or colonialism , or even himself : he blamed God , the deity of his childhood , whom he had not worshipped since his sixteenth birthday .
14 Rain noticed he had not argued about Sabine Jourdain 's role in painting the Durances .
15 If he had not fallen in love with Linda his male genitals would have been sculpted to mimic those of a female by a surgeon in Middlesbrough General Hospital some time next year .
16 AFTER a few minutes in the company of Joe Boyd , I was wondering whether there was anybody in world music he had not heard of .
17 No , the man said , sighing as he downed the last spread of goat 's cheese , he had not heard of the Borrowdale cuckoo .
18 Obviously he did n't remember me , for when the College wrote to him for a reference , he replied that he had not heard of me .
19 In all the years he had known him he had not heard of one instance of Tolonen using his position for his own advantage .
20 He claimed he had not heard of the Virgin Mary either .
21 He had not heard of the complaint , but promised : ‘ If we have a personal complaint , we would take it up .
22 He complained to Donaldson , who coolly said that he had not heard about the delegation , but if he was invited he would join it .
23 It was a raw , strangely sexual laugh ; one he had not heard from her before .
24 Astonished he had not heard from Donleavy himself about Miller taking over , Coleman sometimes wondered afterwards , in exile , if Donleavy had been a code name for Matthew Kevin Gannon , one of the intelligence agents who had died with Major Charles McKee on Flight 103 .
25 It is not surprising to learn that Sutherland felt so in sympathy with Picasso 's Guernica and later regretted that , in 1945 , he had not observed for himself the concentration camps .
26 His three spinster daughters , whom he had not registered at the parish church in any way , were all baptised as adults at Badcox .
27 He had known his mother would be on stage and her dresser Jessie in the wings waiting to help her with her quick change , and Bunty alone ; but he had not bargained for her not being dressed .
28 What he had not bargained for was that the ‘ fusion ’ cell would be deemed a radioactive hazard and so be prevented from getting the urgent clearance for transport across international borders .
29 What he had not bargained for was the fact that these two Gardai had been listening to well-articulated feminist rhetoric all afternoon and were still reeling from the effects .
30 These were considerations that could not be ignored by a Conservative leader , Austen Chamberlain had been toppled in 1922 because he had not withdrawn from an unpopular coalition in time ; and one of the motives for the destruction of the Lloyd George coalition was a desire to replace it by a protectionist government .
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