Example sentences of "he had never [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There were twenty minutes of extra time played , in which a kid called Martin came on — he had never played in first grade before — and scored the clinching try for Canberra .
2 He had never felt as if he belonged .
3 There was an agony inside him which he had never felt before and he closed his eyes briefly .
4 Sweat lashed his brow : he had never felt like this before .
5 He had never felt like that himself towards any woman , but he knew that such a feeling must be love .
6 He felt drugged , by her perfume and her presence ; he felt … like he had never felt in his life before .
7 Lucifer 's face was so devil-like as he said it that he frightened even Izzie , a thing he had never done on stage .
8 Muldoon was beginning to get an uncomfortable feeling that he was pushing his opinions too far , something he had never done in his life .
9 And Mr Wolski did something he had never done in the Zoo before : he whistled the tune of a childhood song while he worked .
10 He had gone on to a party at a rich woman 's house , he explained , and seen a display of drinks such as he had never seen on earth before .
11 The next he had been jerked fully awake and found himself at the centre of a circle of strange , hostile creatures , the like of which he had never seen in his life .
12 Bob , arriving at the office before Dyson one morning , found a man he had never seen before working at poor old Eddy 's desk .
13 He could think , with a brief twist of the old cynicism , that he had never seen inside Tara anyway and that he could not miss what he had never had .
14 Thank goodness he had never rushed into anything-though that was partly because he had never found the woman he wanted to rush into anything with .
15 One shaikh said he had never intervened in a notorious internal quarrel because ‘ they would say I was a shaikh ’ .
16 The Prince 's other favourite place to paint , and indeed to be , is Italy , which , for all his travels , he had never visited until the spring of 1985 .
17 He had never flown in anything other than a Tiger Moth so her requested that his name be put forward for a short Washington sortie .
18 It was a side of Ratagan that he had never guessed at .
19 Clasper was soon hauled out of the water by the forces of law and order , something he had never bargained for in a lifetime 's fight against them .
20 He had never come to terms with his former master 's failure to expire properly .
21 He had never come across an electric cooker before , as in the Netherlands the cooking and heating are done by natural gas .
22 Jaq felt profoundly glad that he had never studied in the school of Assassins .
23 He had never run on heavy ground in his life and his best form was always on good or fast going , ’ he said yesterday .
24 He had never joined in the masturbation rites at school , either .
25 He had never raced on an oval nor ever driven more than 200 miles in a race .
26 He had never asked about the child , partly from a kind of delicacy but mainly because he preferred not to think of her as a mother , and she had volunteered no information about Timmy or his father .
27 He had never asked to be Keeper of the castle in the first place , and being a man actively inclined , now that his wound from the Kinghorn affray was healed , found the confines of the castle irksome .
28 He is a far more controlled fighter and his stamina can not be questioned for he had never gone beyond 10 rounds in his previous 36 fights .
29 Once he had said I showed him a concern which he had never met with before , even from his parents , and that he would love to visit my country one day .
30 Yet , when I was seven years old , I should have thought him a very silly little boy indeed not to have understood about metaphorically speaking , even if he had never heard of it , and it does seem that what he possessed in the way of scientific approach he lacked in common sense .
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