Example sentences of "he had [been] [vb pp] back " in BNC.

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1 Nicholas dropped to sit on a block , and picked up a stone , and took out the knife he had been given back .
2 A BITTER David Gower blasted England 's selectors last night after he was virtually the last to hear he had been tossed back into the cricketing wilderness .
3 The sea breeze was strong enough to mould the skirts of passing women , and Grunte , who could remember little of the events of the night , save that he had spent a good deal of money feeding the faces of his party faithful ( ‘ Pity about Hyacinth ’ ) , and that he had been seen back to the Grand after a drink or two by Leroy Burns ( ‘ Grand fellow , must see if I ca n't find him another Sierra ’ ) , gave thought to his pending performance .
4 Where the wings of pain had dropped him , there had miraculously been infinite but unblinding light , a great strenuous joy that was somehow calm , like a crystal bowl that you do not drink out of , and now he had been floated back to the comfortable shore of his cool clean bed .
5 He had been escorted back to the Vicarage by a plainclothes officer , not the one who had been working most closely with Commander Dalgliesh , but an older man , broad-shouldered , stolid , reassuringly calm , who had spoken to him in a soft country accent which he could n't recognize but was most certainly not local .
6 And it had been there , about twenty minutes later , that Thiercelin had received his wound ; a shell splinter in the cheek , which looked worse than it was , bleeding profusely into his collar and tunic , so that he had been ordered back to the chateau to have it dressed .
7 ‘ She thought the world of him , as he had been brought back specially from Florida by a friend of mine , ’ said Karen .
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