Example sentences of "he had [verb] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The real pioneer of the Italian monodic style in Germany was one of his pupils , Johann Nauwach ( c. 1595–c. 1630 ) , who like him had spent some years in Italy .
2 People said he had broken many hearts already .
3 He had broken two ribs .
4 Woolley met her in a Belgian hospital in the summer of 1916 , after he had broken both ankles in a forced landing .
5 Then we heard him shouting from the depths : Is anybody there ? he was telling us he had broken both legs , and there was a lot of blood .
6 He had broken more bones in his body riding horses that anyone she knew , yet he lived for his hunting .
7 But they could n't stomach the never-ending barrage of damaging revelations — particularly the suggestion that he had broken ministerial rules by accepting lavish holidays .
8 He had grown another inch or two but he was still plump and rosy , with a solid contented look about him .
9 Reviving a battle he had begun two years ago with military-equipment designers , he insisted that his men needed boots of beige suede with speed laces , ankle-supports , lightweight nylon material , a sand-blocking closure and arch-support .
10 A folk and rock musician who played the guitar , he had recorded two albums , Dancing with the Devil and Family and Friends .
11 He had stayed two nights , that was all .
12 He had printed four volumes before the lord chamberlain forbade the Stationers ' Company to print any of the King 's Men 's plays without permission .
13 The big Gloucester builder was so badly battered in the World Cup campaign that he had to take six months off work — and he and self-employed forward Paul Rendall lost so much money that they successfully appealed for a hardship payment .
14 He rolled a little closer on the big feather mattress in the big brass bedstead , and put his arms round her — carefully , because he had to take special care of Ruth now .
15 When asked why it had taken him so long to change his view of IBM , Joseph Payne at Alex Brown & Sons said abruptly that he had to take another call and promised to call back later .
16 I said , I 'm afraid erm , you know , that so he , he had to take some time , er , we ha we took some time to find the book of the words which
17 Apart from his own studies , Tetsu teaches English and mathematics to children ; he had taught eight hours a week over the past year to finance this , his first trip outside his homeland .
18 He had taught German literature in the high school in Breslau .
19 As an afterthought , he had scribbled another line at the bottom : ‘ Any luck with the Gandell girl ? ’
20 He had killed one girl and now , because another was missing , they had come as if he had called them , as if they were his slaves .
21 Even now , nearly seventy years later , I can recall almost every detail : the embroidered caps of the drummers decorated with cowries ; a man falling off his horse as he charged by ; a small boy carried past in triumph — he had killed two men though he seemed little older than myself ; the face of Ras Lul Seged 's young son , and the sheepskin over his shoulder .
22 Dahmer admitted to police that he had killed 17 people since 1978 ; however , his defence lawyer intended to enter an insanity plea if he was convicted , in a trial scheduled to begin in January 1992 .
23 De Craon shrugged and smiled , secretly wishing he had killed this man and vowing he would , the next time an opportunity presented itself .
24 If he had married Iskandara for her sheep , he had given good measure in return .
25 He would say , casually , to his wife later that night that he had given young Luke Bouverie a lift home .
26 Many of Johnson 's readers wished to know what kind of reading Dr Johnson thought suitable for young ladies , and it transpired , to much amusement , that he had given young Miss McQueen an arithmetic .
27 In fact he seemed to have lost interest in the book before he had completed it — the last two chapters are haphazardly constructed — and he padded it out with three radio talks on " The Unity of European Culture " which he had given two years before .
28 As it is , he had given enough indication of his intention in the work , quite apart from its psalmodic basis , to make it clear .
29 It was clear from the sentencer 's observations that he had given careful consideration to these matters .
30 But he had given patient thought to the matter , just as he had to the rest of the alien anatomy ; and he had ventured on what I can only call an abstraction of the human face .
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