Example sentences of "he is [adv] [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Whatever club or staff was used on him is surely gone with the man who used it , but if the poor wretch 's corpse can tell us anything , let us discover it before we move him . ’
2 Small wonder our society is so schizophrenic — because the minute the clerk walks out of the store , she or he is immediately bombarded with messages which are in total contradiction to those they receive as employees .
3 He is immediately besieged with cries of ‘ Good Old Charlie ’ , ‘ Mr Evolution ’ and ‘ Slimy Old Pruneface ’ ( from a disgruntled Wilberforce supporter who had slipped into the festivities ) .
4 He tells me he is already acquainted with Mr. Miller and Mr. Rand .
5 Prince Charles is sitting with his legs spread but there is a give-away sign of his unease : he is nervously playing with his cuff-links .
6 He is also dealing with our insistence on historically specific analysis .
7 He is also charged with driving away from a filling station without paying for petrol .
8 He is also charged with two other soldiers , Stephen Boustead ( 28 ) and Barry Aindow ( 23 ) , with the attempted murder of Martin Peake .
9 He is also charged with assault causing actual bodily harm to Alan Wilson and Gary Johnson on Sunday May 9 , after which Mr Whelan was taken to Walton Hospital , where he died six days later .
10 He is also charged with theft .
11 He is also working with former cricket star Bob Appleyard to produce our fast bowlers of the future .
12 The relation of Foucault 's politics to history leads to the question of the tactical use of Foucault himself in current forms of criticism ; in addition to his extensive use by historians and sociologists , he is also associated with those movements that have become known as ‘ new historicism ’ and ‘ cultural materialism ’ .
13 He is widely credited with coining the phrase ‘ There ai n't no such thing as a free lunch ’ in his novel ‘ The Moon is a Harsh Mistress ’ , about a revolution which replaces a command economy with a market economy .
14 He 's a well-scrubbed type who looks pretty much like the Guardian book reviewer he is neatly dressed with a sensible fringe .
15 He is closely connected with that woman of yer father 's , Rosalli Gabrielli .
16 Alexander firmly believed that man has to delay his instantaneous response to the many stimuli that he is bombarded with each day if he is ever to cope with his rapidly changing environment .
17 During his campaign , he promised not to raise taxes for the middle classes ; he is now faced with the realisation that if he is to cut the deficit and fulfil his promises to improve social welfare , education and training and to overhaul health provisions , then tax increases which extend beyond the seriously wealthy are unavoidable .
18 What with Anna being such a charmer and what with the fact that he is now sleeping with her , he does his level best to find some small saving grace in her writing , something he can praise without hypocrisy .
19 Once he introduces them , the linguist can not simply retreat into claiming that he is only dealing with the abstractions of descriptive linguistics .
20 In the Commons , the Prime Minister has said he is still consulting with the United States over the situation in Bosnia .
21 Bud-chugging Dan turned John Goodman into a huge ( ha ha ) star , a remarkable portrayal of the sit-com hubby — neither a blithering , henpecked twerp who ca n't work the dishwasher , nor a big-mouthed house-yob , he is still dogged with outdated gender-expectations and prefers the company of motorbikes and poker-buddies .
22 He is still remembered with great affection within the Association and his widow , Lady Peck , continues a most welcome interest in the House .
23 He is usually identified with the vir illustris and referendarius Asclepiodatus , who delivered Guntram 's instructions relating to the foundations of the queen and her daughters at Chalon-sur-Saône and Autun to the synod of Valence in 585 .
24 He is usually portrayed with an exaggeratedly high forehead and awarded the title The Unshakeable Spirit .
25 He is usually depicted with a bunch of keys — hence our word ‘ janitor ’ — and extremists of his cult called him Janus Quadrifrons ( Four Heads ) believing he also controlled the four seasons .
26 Her husband is from a good family ; in fact he is distantly connected with the Crane-Boulder 's family , but … but he was the youngest son , and you know what positions go to the younger sons . ’
27 Nevertheless , he is currently working with his mother on outlines for two documentaries , one on the psychology of dance and another on the pre-Christian origins of Christmas .
28 He is further charged with conspiracy with others to pervert the course of justice by allowing himself to be struck in the leg in order to support a false story that he was hit by the stolen car .
29 He is further charged with possessing a sawn-off shotgun .
30 Everything focuses on the fact that he is always struggling with his desire for love and power as well as for an end to all his problems .
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