Example sentences of "he could [vb infin] a [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I like the way that Rob McCaffrey 's commentary allows you time to enjoy the action , although I thought he could pay a little more attention to his scripting in places .
2 The same was true of Eliot but he was luckier in one way : he could give a little here and hold out against them there .
3 When Van Gelder was n't smiling , which was n't often , he could assume a very discouraging expression indeed .
4 Theodora applied her left leg and Cranmer was surprised to find he could do a very creditable turn on the forehand .
5 One week before attending the special clinic , Jonathan had noticed some staining of his underpants and on examining his penis , not a thing he was in the habit of doing , he found that he could express a little clear mucoid discharge from it .
6 The one thing that would have persuaded him to accept an invitation for the Stuttgart Ballet to go to South Africa would have been if he could show a really good black dancer working alongside the whites .
7 Olla was bargaining with nightmarish persistence for a carpet , and Mart was considering nipping back to the boat to see if anyone could lend him five hundred quid so he could buy a really wicked sword .
8 Maybe if he could delay a little longer , Springfield would discover his sweep had failed to capture the ringleader and send men in to flush him out .
9 Zack knew this was not true , but he was aware he could have a very dangerous situation on his hands if he told them they were beginning to show cracks , and could not take more than another six days of numbing boredom and inactivity .
10 He could have a very good reason to kill you . ’
11 The flash of hope in her eyes made him wish he could report a more substantial discovery than the meagre piece of intelligence he had to contribute .
12 When Defoe wrote about the world outside Europe for an early eighteenth-century audience , he could take a much more realistic approach .
13 Say what you like about his awful presence , he could gain a not inconsiderable reputation for what he does in the comfort of his den .
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