Example sentences of "he know [adv] [adv] [that] " in BNC.

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1 He knew well enough that he could not , but had had enough experience to know that aggressive tactics often paid .
2 He knew full well that the only circumstances in which a regional planning manager would not be expected personally to present his Ten Year Business Plan to the President of the Corporation was if he was already earmarked for promotion and it was desired to give visibility to his successor , or if he was on his way out .
3 The manager had been trying to set himself up in the Business when he knew full well that Clive had the franchise .
4 Ought we to think less of Johnson for agreeing because he knew full well that he could influence Boswell ?
5 First , the defendant might argue that he believed in the victim 's consent since she permitted penetration although he knew full well that she had no understanding of the act .
6 Fabia counteracted any feeling of wretchedness at that last guilty thought by deciding that it really was n't good enough that Vendelin Gajdusek had gone away when he knew full well that someone was travelling especially from England to see him .
7 He never knocked his origins in American racing , but also he knew damned well that technologically America was behind and that in America you could do spectacular things but in grand prix racing you needed savvy , experience , strategy ; you had to have the smarts .
8 As he wrote the words , he knew quite well that his grave had been dug for him the day before , once a reprieve had been refused .
9 Edward was not a great reader but he knew quite well that he was broaching the oldest and most central concern of literature ; he felt appropriately diffident .
10 In spite of his ritual attempt to distance himself from the young man who had written that poem , he knew very well that even his contemporary reputation in large part rested on it : that , and the last three of the Four Quartets , he told Ezra Pound , had been worth writing .
11 Harry exclaimed , flushing deeply , because he knew very well that it was n't .
12 He knew very well that this night was the one which would decide whether the old female eagle survived .
13 He knew very well that she meant only good .
14 It was a considerable risk ; he knew perfectly well that Graham Moloney would certainly disagree with him with some violence .
15 Oh , he knew perfectly well that women like her could be bad news .
16 He knew perfectly well that the software was going into the Ministry of Defence , he had not asked to what use it would be put when it was installed , and he certainly hoped there would be more of the same .
17 He knew perfectly well that they were not very good prizes and that he would have done better to lay out his money at Woolworth 's , but he did not wish to hear Emmie telling him so .
18 ‘ They comprise Ling 's housekeeping , ’ Silas informed her , his cool tone indicating he knew perfectly well that she was dodging the previous issue .
19 Because of course he knew perfectly well that the promptings of his own nature were an offence to his mother 's moral code .
20 He knows full well that we are not related , though he once waved to me from a passing train .
21 He knows full well that Christians can and do sin , and if we pretend otherwise we are lying ( 1:8,10 ) .
22 They were not , they were not dispensed with , well one could look back in seventy eight and say retrospectively how that process could have been started considerably earlier , er the honourable gentleman knows perfectly well that er as the Maastricht bill was winding its way through here it was n't really practical to run this but indeed the processes were started before the governing legislation was on the statute book and I quite understand why honourable gentlemen opposite wish to make their party points , particularly those particularly those who were not in the house in seventy eight which er does n't I think apply to the honourable gentleman from from Birmingham , when he knows perfectly well that the same kind of machinery is used now was used then and it was used as fairly and as honestly and as completely impartially as the time allowed .
23 But he knows almost certainly that it will .
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