Example sentences of "he do [adv] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It does not have to be the only thing which persuaded him to do so but it does have to have been a factor in influencing him .
2 It was one thing for his guardian to tell Harry to forget the circumstances of his birth , but would he do so if it meant his beloved daughter had to share that stigma ?
3 No sooner had he done so than she wiped the place on her cheek with her handkerchief .
4 He always said he did best when I was with him .
5 Reid added : ‘ Niall knows he did wrong and he is so disappointed in himself .
6 During that game he did well and we realised he had something .
7 The the the the trouble is he got more recognition for that for getting no points at all than he did probably if he 'd have bloody won that thing .
8 No wonder he did better than me .
9 I asked him why he did once and he said it was a more beautiful name .
10 But his mind was quick , and his memories were all intact ; and the longing never really went away , that awful persistent longing that could find outlet only in frustration and anger , and a wish to do bad things ; to hurt and to insult like he did now while he waited for David to concede defeat and agree to take him to the auction after all .
11 Again Herr Nordern was going to speak , knowing as he did so that he would sound feeble , when again Bodo stepped in and said , in a distinctly non-feeble voice , which sounded like a cement-mixer , ‘ Of course he remembers .
12 He sighed , took out another ten pound note and slid the money across the counter , calculating as he did so that he could have eaten adequately and drunk excessively for a fortnight in Lindos for what a night at the Skein of Geese had cost him .
13 Thus where we might add that he killed himself while the balance of his mind was disturbed , Zande would say he did so because he was bewitched .
14 Interested , I asked him to whack my bottom with the same instrument and urged him to do it properly so that I could feel what it was like — he did so and I was only just able to restrain my tears it hurt so much .
15 He was stuffing a thick wad of notes into his inside jacket pocket as he did so and I wondered briefly why Stubbly wanted all those French francs ; but then , that was n't any of my business , was it ?
16 But was he under any duty to do more than he did merely because he knew that the money was intended ultimately to be lent by the father to the son ?
17 He 's got his own skateboard ramp in his back garden and he video tapes what he does so that he can watch what he 's doing wrong and all the rest of it .
18 And he does so and he finds and squares the ball to his right , Alan made an advance for it but it 's was there first , put ball forward looking for and it 's just beyond the fair haired striker and races away to pick it up .
19 Fangorn looks long at the two hobbits when they tell him Gandalf is dead ; he does so because he does n't believe them , having seen Gandalf himself a couple of days before .
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