Example sentences of "he would [be] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It made her feel she had to stay there or else he 'd be in worse trouble . ’
2 If the sceptics had a real leader inside the Cabinet , he 'd be in deep trouble . ’
3 Why do n't you come back , he said he 'd be in later . ’
4 He 'd be in full view of the windows .
5 There was also the time element The next tide could not be far away and if he was caught by the tide he would be in real trouble .
6 Roy said he would be in joint forces on the territory probably at the beginning of this quarter , erm , so far so good .
7 If he were here to answer the question , I suspect that he would be in considerable difficulty if he tried to say that he continued to oppose those privatisations .
8 The infant , which was incidentally precisely what we predicted he would be in physical makeup , sex , coloring , and so on , was born here seven days ago .
9 The war had interrupted and postponed many a career , J's amongst them , and he had three years ' university ahead of him before he would be in any position to marry .
10 Waiting briefly for the lift he told himself that he was no more involved than he would be in any other case .
11 His acceptance of the condition was made with an easy mind — he did n't feel that distributing a newspaper , even a banned one , would be considered a particularly heinous offence for a young girl , and anyway he could not imagine that he would be in any danger himself if he admitted knowledge of the basket 's contents .
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