Example sentences of "he say [subord] i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Anyway I 'm not saying a word to him , I 'm gon na wait and see if and what he says because I say it 's making me angry .
2 He says when I go home tonight I want to be able to have water from my taps — and I want my children and my grand-children to have the water they need to live .
3 He says when I fell off I was relieved just to get off it .
4 Then he says when I get back , ‘ What 's all this ? ’
5 ( ‘ The first assistant director , ’ he says when I query his qualifications for the role , ‘ just had to shout at the second assistant director . ’ )
6 Because he had the right attitude , he did n't quibble , he did n't moan he did n't criticize , he just got on with the job , and is n't that a little area that we can all work on somewhere , it comes down to that little bit of territory even , does n't it , if we 're given in the ministry and we say oh not there again , I worked that last time , I know that person in that house they 're all working , called on them and when they , I just do n't get , I just do n't get on with them , they 're not me at all , you see , we , we can go on and on in all kinds of areas ca n't we in the truth , but what an attitude to have and I thought this was a lovely expression here , look , erm , on page twenty seven , just about a third of the way down on the right hand side , he says as I have opportunity , I encourage new ones at that , that would take advantage of all privileged service , they 're given , and to learn to be content , and happy with it and just in the next paragraph at the end he says be happy and content in your present circumstances and blossom in a spiritual way in the soil where you are planted is n't that a lo a lovely expression , does n't that show a man who is spiritually alive and alert and awake , and is n't that how we should be , would n't the congregation flow and move along forward , so much better and more unitedly if we all have that lovely attitude that Jehovah service , no matter what it is , we ca n't all be public speakers , we ca n't all be giving a public talk at the district assembly can we ?
7 Cherry stopped him and said what you doing she said George this old man he 's said I 'm going to give this to the manager like he said because I 've been brought all these trolleys back .
8 Michael Gough , my editor , works for me in New York and he said he went to get a key to get back in after they had closed and they said why and he said because I think that I will be back later than your gate is locked .
9 and when we were having this argument on Wednesday he said I said we what what was your reason then for not paying me for that when I was genuinely sick and he said er oh he said because I gave you such a good bonus last week , I said what was that then , he said erm twenty five pounds , I said no you did n't !
10 Chris said , it was there at eleven o'clock he said cos I thought it was , somebody had spilt something .
11 He said well I give you that Avenger estate he said cos I thought you were building your house , that 'll be handy for you you know yeah you did and you let me down badly !
12 And what was it he said cos I heard him say yes , yes .
13 ‘ I 'm just trying to get some perspective here , ’ he said as I twisted the last coldness from my beer bottle .
14 ‘ Oh , I can , ’ he said as I finished my meal and leaned back , wiping my mouth on the back of my hand , more to annoy him that anything else .
15 ‘ There are two angles which you might look at , young Chris , ’ he said as I refilled his glass .
16 ‘ OK slim , ’ he said as I arrived .
17 He said if I thought he was going to be the Hindu Salman Rushdie , I was mistaken : he saw himself more as a Hindu P. G. Wodehouse .
18 He said if I left him he 'd demand custody of the Merc . ’
19 ‘ And he said if I told the police — or anyone else — there would be a bomb thrown into our playground .
20 Yeah cos they only took a hundred and something , but he said if I take about a hundred and something pound a day
21 He said if I 'd done exactly what he told me , and there were no tricks , he 'd contact me and hand over his evidence , and he would n't bother me any more . ’
22 so that 's English , and I 've got ta get , er he reckons he 'll get a B grade for the er lit , but I was so cheesed off with that erm piece I got today , thirty five and thirty five , one mark off being er an A , he put at the bottom aargh , if only you 'd seen the lousy ending , cos he said if I 'd got the , an extra couple of sentences it er would of been forty eight , forty , so that 's , so annoying , but I 've now got ta write an informal letter , I do n't know how that comes under informal letter
23 He said if I did n't go out with him he would run me over , ’ she said .
24 I did n't like doing it — seemed a bit hole-in-the-corner , you know — but he said if I did n't take it , no-one would . ’
25 ‘ When I argued , he said if I lost my licence he would find another job for me in the organisation . ’
26 In fact , he said if I wanted to bring along some mates , he 'd get us all in free .
27 The last thing he said when I left was , ‘ Tell Jean I 'm still as much in love with her as ever . ’ ’
28 He said when I looked at it was coming backwards .
29 ‘ Er , I ca n't remember , ’ he said when I asked him who he was interviewing the following week .
30 ‘ Bring a bowl of ice , will you ? ’ he said when I reached him .
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