Example sentences of "he have [to-vb] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 He has to weigh up the possibility of a conviction for something , as opposed to the accused walking free .
2 But if that is n't bad enough , it is n't scheduled until April 24 — which means he has to sit out the inter-provincials .
3 But , ’ Jay teeters on the brink of a revelation , ‘ the A&R man does n't have to know about your music ; he has to know how the system works , how to get your material through the system .
4 The sexton is complaining that he has to scrub away the unbearable smell every day , and that the church has already had to undergo several repair jobs because of the problem .
5 He had to go down the mines and he stuck it out .
6 Elsham signalbox is situated in a very remote part of the Lincolnshire countryside and thus evokes more strange happenings that baffled John Daubney when he had to take over the box as a relief signalman .
7 He had to take out the man furthest from him first , the man least prepared .
8 Phil , who graduated in Physics in 1987 , invited fellow students and staff to take part in the sponsored abseil and received such a positive response that he had to take down the posters advertising the idea after 48 people volunteered .
9 First he had to sort out the embarrassed financial affairs of his brother John , which had been neglected by the latter whilst working for the Company .
10 Above all , he had to speed up the protracted constitutional timetable of his predecessor .
11 The great hero Sigmar first united the men of the middle Old World into the Empire , and to do so he had to drive out the Orcs and Goblins that lived there .
12 One of Bri 's great loves , literature , became a nightmare for him as he had to defend even the most off-hand comment .
13 And when the Cabinet Minister admitted he had no ticket , he had to cough up the fare as well as the fine under his Government 's 1989 Act which orders passengers to pay before they travel .
14 l here were about a dozen customers , mostly middle-aged men sitting alone reading Evening Standards who only troubled the barman to the extent that occasionally he had to turn down the corner of a page of his Stephen King paperback .
15 Well he had to switch on the interior light to be able to fill out the form .
16 He do n't love thee since Garty moaned so he had to pay back the two shilling given for thee .
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