Example sentences of "he have [adv] been [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Van den Berg built a prototype … which presumably worked , because neither hide nor hair of him has ever been seen since .
2 Her attraction to him had hardly been swathed in subtlety .
3 Everything people said about Kelly was supposition , nothing against him had ever been proved and in this country you were innocent until proven guilty .
4 He has just been rejected , ’ Jehan said .
5 He has just been appointed head of the private office of Jean Glavany , France 's Secretary of State for Technical Education .
6 Rupert Bear is not only the world 's tallest hot air balloon and a leading children 's favourite since 1920 , he has just been appointed the National Trust 's young ‘ green ’ spokesman , or should one say spokesbear .
7 This book is also different to ‘ To Kill a Mockingbird ’ because there are no racist scenes , only prejudice towards Imamu from both the Police and in some cases the Aimsleys , when their daughter goes missing and they think that because he is a street boy who comes from Harlem , a lower class area than Brooklyn and that he has just been acquitted on a murder rap , he 's got something to do with Perk 's disappearance .
8 He has just been pulverized by a being from the other side of the galaxy and what does he do ?
9 But whether an inexperienced schoolboy can be all right after the type of traumatic experience to which he has just been subjected I would not care to say .
10 Since his debut in 1984 , he has largely been cast in the role of workhorse for West Indies , his seemingly effortless , languid approach to the wicket enabling him to bowl fairly long spells , even in hot and humid conditions .
11 He has previously been linked with the Chargers and a move down the Calfornian coast may be on the cards .
12 He is currently being held in 9 avril Prison where he has reportedly been held virtually naked for up to four days in cachots ( small damp isolation cells ) .
13 And there he has obstinately been retained , despite a long run of failure unprecedented in my experience among specialist batsmen .
14 He has frequently been called upon to give expert evidence in firearms cases .
15 He has frequently been compared to Morse and Wexford for detailed atmosphere and strong characterisation .
16 ‘ When I was manager , I previously told Chief Inspector Dick Hebberd , who used to be in charge of policing at Underhill , about them , but he has since been transferred .
17 He has since been sacked by Nalgo and has debts of £10,000 .
18 He has since been engaged in teaching at Cambridge , and has obtained experience in W.E.A. lecturing there .
19 He has since been granted temporary leave to stay in Britain .
20 He has since been proved right by the discovery first of a statuette , then of an unfinished statue , which combine head and body .
21 He has since been praised by managers at his new job with Smith 's Dry Cleaners for his honesty .
22 He shall be assessed on the whole amount or value of that benefit except in so far as is shown that the benefit derives directly or indirectly from income on which he has already been charged to tax for that year or a previous year of assessment .
23 He has already been given !
24 Reserve Winners Dog The dog who came second in the Winners Dog 's original class competes with the dogs remaining in the ring , ( unless he has already been defeated by one of them ) , for Reserve Winners .
25 But in fact he has already been exposed .
26 For example , it has been pointed out that one person can not be asked the same question twice , the second time he is not the same person because he has already been asked the question once .
27 He has already been asked to join them for a 60-date tour next year .
28 With Severiano Ballesteros , Nick Faldo , Ian Woosnam and several leading Americans also in the field , Olazabal does not have the incentive of trying to gain a place in next week 's World Matchplay at Wentworth : he has already been invited to play in the event this year .
29 He has already been stripped of all his posts , but hardliners had been pressing for a public trial on criminal charges , though this looks unlikely .
30 I understand he has already been schooled over fences with considerable success .
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