Example sentences of "he have always [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He has always regarded the break-up as good fortune and at last found some degree of stability when his mother remarried six years later .
2 He has always recognized the sweetness of an apple as a reason for choosing it , although a sinful one ; with the lapse of the standard which condemns it , it asserts itself as the only relevant consideration .
3 He has always appreciated the finer things in life and can often be seen lunching at London 's Savoy Grill .
4 He has always looked a chaser and his unexpected achievements over flimsy flights of timber make him a most exciting prospect .
5 He has always enjoyed a drink , and I 've never met a man who can hold his liquor better , ’ he says .
6 Well , he has always had a way with words .
7 Conran asked this manager to carry out a feasibility study , the result of which convinced him that Habitat should move into France , a country for which he has always had a great fondness .
8 He has always had a high reputation in England and the Covent Garden Orchestra were obviously eager to work with him in the 1950s .
9 He has always had a keen interest in town twinning activities , particularly between Middlesbrough and Oberhausen .
10 He has always had the support of Motherwell North SNP despite one of the branches calling for his resignation . ’
11 He has always produced the goods when he s come on .
12 He 'd always had a thing about Famous Last Words .
13 But erm he 'd always had a temperamental heart and erm at times he was n't at all well
14 He 'd always had the nicest smile , open and boyish , but she 'd forgotten the way his hazel eyes sparkled with greenish lights , perhaps because she 'd never seen him so tanned before .
15 Yes , she said he 'd always got the music on loud and sort of full of messing about you know so
16 He had always felt the same elation at the end of his long tours abroad .
17 Here he had always felt an outsider .
18 As an artist , he had always made an adequate living , and Willises , carefully packed in stiff board and oiled paper , were despatched — since a number of his patrons were in the Merchant Navy — to ports all over the world for collection .
19 He had always resented the amount his son ate .
20 Coun Williams replied that he had always said the money was from an insurance payout , adding : ‘ It is very easy for the Liberal Democrat councillors to make such statements .
21 As he reclined in his sofa , surrounded by a treasure trove of knick-knacks collected from around the world , Mark said he had always had a taste for travel .
22 He had always had a capacity for ruthlessness .
23 But he had always had a wish to join the Army , and at sixteen he enlisted as a drummer boy .
24 It was also known that he was a hobo in his final years , and that he had always had a keen eye for women .
25 He could remember a time when he had fallen asleep as soon as his head touched the pillow , and when he had always had a healthy appetite .
26 He had always thought the MP for Arden read little save for the Motor Traders ' Gazette .
27 He had always provided the tabloids with meaty headlines because of his numerous girlfriends .
28 He had always enjoyed the company of intelligent women , and if they were pretty , then so much the better .
29 In fact , he had always enjoyed the full sound potential of his band .
30 As though he had always known the Wall should disappear , the Soviet Foreign Minister , Mr Eduard Shevarnadze , described as ‘ wise and sensible ’ the East German decision to open it up .
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