Example sentences of "he have [verb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 'E 's got four lorries in there now an' I did 'ear 'e was lookin' fer anuvver place .
2 The real pioneer of the Italian monodic style in Germany was one of his pupils , Johann Nauwach ( c. 1595–c. 1630 ) , who like him had spent some years in Italy .
3 After all , Mr Yeltsin and Mr Gorbachev before him have made more concessions to the western powers than any Russian leader since Lenin in 1918 accepted the Russo-German treaty of Brest-Litovsk .
4 His party and that lot behind him have crucified small businesses , and the end result is the loss of many jobs .
5 So far he has visited 98 countries and covered over 280,000 km from pole to pole , through Africa and the Americas .
6 During his long and eminent career he has created memorable fragrances of the great houses of Hermès , Dior , Gucci and Rochas as well as untold , and unacknowledged , contributions to the huge international perfume market .
7 He has created regional delegations , encouraged bodies that finance innovation , such as ANVAR , to move away from the capital , and generally supported initiatives in research at regional level .
8 On being asked by Ecosse Films to front ‘ Harry Enfield 's Guide to Opera ’ ( starting on Channel 4 on 4th March ) , he brought in co-writer from ‘ Harry Enfield 's Television Programme ’ Paul Whitehouse , with whom he has created new characters including ‘ The Opera Ponces ’ .
9 He has attended numerous meetings and social events , and has been involved in many projects .
10 In the draft he has hidden thirty-five roubles inside a slit in his frock-coat pocket .
11 On the white desk he has tossed several wraps of cocaine .
12 To do that he has to consult historical sources — the original instruments existing in museums and contemporary drawings and paintings — and from them work out the construction and draw up a plan .
13 To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what plans he has to consult local authorities on housing requirements for ex-service personnel .
14 To gain access to her he has to penetrate many layers of permeability .
15 It feels as if he has met more children than any other group of the population during the campaign .
16 In his 42 Tests he has landed 588 points .
17 For his work with a host of musicians from Marian McPartland to Ruby Braff he has received many accolades , but one that we know he likes was made in the London Spectator recently : ‘ Tate turned out to be that rarity of rarities , a bass player whose contributions actually made musical sense .
18 To ask the Secretary of State for Employment whether he has received any representations from the Confederation of British Industry concerning wage levels .
19 He has gained numerous honours and awards , most notably the Nobel Peace prize in 1989 , as well as the Albert Schweitzer Humanitarian Award and the Lincoln Award for leadership in the service of freedom .
20 He has gained twenty-four hours ! ’
21 He has trained handicapped youngsters at sea and is a lifeboat crew member .
22 He has said many times that he does n't believe American public opinion will withstand the return of a lot of body bags .
23 He has said Egyptian troops would remain in the Gulf until they complete their mission , which he describes as aiding Kuwait under joint Arab defence agreements .
24 Little Polveir does not get warmed up until he has gone three miles and Toby Balding has been training him specifically with Saturday in mind .
25 He has developed five categories for classifying non-availability of individual titles : 1 ) title not acquired , 2 ) catalogue error , 3 ) title in circulation , 4 ) library error ( title missing or misplaced on shelves ) , and 5 ) user error in searching .
26 He has suffered terrible injuries and he 's going to need a lot of help and care for the future . )
27 He has selected bad squads , putting continuity before form … the Waddle Factor .
28 He has selected ten artists to illustrate his thesis in which he ponders whether art might have replaced religion as a vehicle for modern spiritual thought .
29 He has played 10 times for Wales .
30 He has accepted improved terms for himself and his training and physiotherapy staff .
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