Example sentences of "he have [verb] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 In hindsight , it might have been better for him to have taken up the offer .
2 Although various thinkers before him had formulated much the same basic principle of utility as basic to ethics none had used it so systematically as the basis for rethinking all moral and social arrangements .
3 How many millions similar to him have given up the ghost of ambition or had it driven out of them ?
4 Where the husband goes so far as to cause injury , there are available a number of offences against the person with which he may be charged , but the gravamen of the husband 's conduct is the injury he has caused not the sexual intercourse he has forced . ’
5 He has to weigh up the possibility of a conviction for something , as opposed to the accused walking free .
6 As the sells his beers to the free trade and to national brewers ' pubs he has noticed both the swingeing price increases imposed by the brewing giants and the reaction among their tenants .
7 Along the way he has brushed aside the wrath of his fellow-judges .
8 Over the years he has pieced together the plane 's last , dying moments from the second one of its engines caught fire .
9 But if that is n't bad enough , it is n't scheduled until April 24 — which means he has to sit out the inter-provincials .
10 It is also a rather different exhibition conceptually : Alfonso Perez Sanchez , former Director of the Prado and co-organiser of the show , has declared that he wants the Spanish to get to know ‘ the real Ribera ’ , which means that he has whittled down the number of works .
11 So far he has tracked down the chemical 3-methyl-2-hexenoic acid .
12 He has turned away the glorious light of his countenance — or maybe the traffic fumes have got in the way , or maybe he 's turned off the telly because of the charismatics . ’
13 The manager who took Sunderland to Wembley six months ago knows that he 's still not out of the woods , but he has turned back the clock in a bid to stay in business .
14 The personal tragedy that befalls Gibson 's character in ‘ Forever Young ’ is that he loses his childhood sweetheart in an accident before he has plucked up the courage to propose marriage .
15 But after a visit to his home by a senior officer of Cleveland Police , he has painted out the symbols .
16 After he has killed off the whole lot of them in various ways , he shouts in triumph , ‘ Jesus , I got 'em all ! ’
17 Using traditional measures of religiosity , he has pointed out the apparent failure of English catholic schools to produce better catholics and fewer ex-catholics than state or other schools , and has inferred the likelihood of the same for Irish schools .
18 He has summed up the issue much better than I could .
19 He has carried on the good work this term and is well on the way to establishing himself in the top 10 with 16 wins in the current campaign .
20 They also failed to take him seriously , and made him angry , but he has carried on the struggle .
21 If amendment ( a ) is not carried , the Minister can not say that he has brought forward the new clause as a concession to the Opposition .
22 He has taken up the challenge to lead .
23 In fact , Mr Shiratori has been one of Japan 's representative 's on the IASC since 1984 and is well versed in all the issues ; he is also well aware that he has taken up the reins of office at a critical time for the IASC .
24 He has taken up the priestly tasks of his father , ’ she says .
25 America is his favourite way of talking about the undiscovered country , and it shows that as well as suicide and blanket boredom he has taken over the flavour of Raskolnikov 's joke about getting used to family life .
26 To prove his point he has taken on the legal profession and , with no legal training whatsoever , tied judges in such knots they have overruled each other .
27 By the halfway stage he has taken on the slightly desperate , bloodshot aspect of the tragic hero about to be engulfed by the forces he has unleashed : ‘ I shall resolutely ignore everything but the skeletal essentials of my theme , ’ he declares ( ‘ Off , off you lendings ! ’ ) .
28 In his day he has taken on the big guns of industry , commercialised culture and of whole countries ( who can easily forget his devastating portrait of Mrs Thatcher and the fawning Saatchi brothers ? ) .
29 But , ’ Jay teeters on the brink of a revelation , ‘ the A&R man does n't have to know about your music ; he has to know how the system works , how to get your material through the system .
30 He has drawn up the list of items below .
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