Example sentences of "he and [verb] her [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Miranda faced him and schooled her features .
2 So , ‘ Goodnight , Ven , ’ she bade him for a third time , only this time she stretched up to him and touched her lips to his cheek .
3 What would it be like to explore and learn every inch of him with her fingertips , to touch and taste him and fill her lungs with the delicious musky scent that was uniquely his ?
4 Robyn glanced to where he pointed and then looked up at him and folded her arms .
5 ‘ 'Ere , I 've got one o' them there gramophone fings , ’ she said , looking up at him and slipping her hands into the armholes of her stained flowery apron .
6 But she resisted the urge to turn and glance at him and kept her eyes fixed straight ahead .
7 He lifted her almost off her feet , pulling her against him and crushing her lips with his .
8 Why are you doing this ? ’ he asked savagely , spinning her to face him and gripping her arms tightly .
9 I put his age at forty , but even among men twenty years younger he would have been accounted handsome , and he knew it , for his expression showed both confidence and amusement as he continued to hold Ellen 's hand , and he showed even more amusement when she suddenly realised just what liberty she was thus granting him and jerked her fingers swiftly away .
10 She had a terrible temper , and it always made him double up when she swore at him and clenched her fists .
11 As he got into bed she rolled over towards him and put her arms round him .
12 Mrs Danby went to him and put her arms on him .
13 Bunty 's death — lively , stupefyingly alluring Bunty who had stretched out her bare leg to him and put her fingertips on his lips — annulled by a group of people because a performance must go on ?
14 Ruth linked her arms around him and wrapped her legs around his .
15 She even started making other arrangements so she would n't just end up sitting at home staring at the phone and forcing herself not to ring him and say her plans had changed and she was free after all .
16 She turned on her side away from him and closed her eyes .
17 She turned to him and closed her eyes , reaching for the back of his head , pulling his face closer .
18 She snuggled into him and closed her eyes .
19 She got into bed beside him and closed her eyes , briefly .
20 A pretty girl had run up to him and thrown her arms around his neck before kissing him passionately .
21 Suddenly a passing girl suddenly swerved towards him and threw her arms round his waist .
22 Maggie smiled at him and nodded her thanks , until a jocular voice from the queue called , ‘ Squeezed some high notes out tonight , Lemon .
23 She slid past him and curled her fingers around the thin wheel with its padded sleeve .
24 She was not only married but trying to conceive a child by Stephen — though as yet she had n't sat down with him and discussed her worries about her failure to become pregnant .
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