Example sentences of "he be the [noun] they " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps what told him was the attention they paid to the drunk man who weaved his way , shouting and stumbling , down the car .
2 He was also , on the whole , for the Khedive on the grounds that at least he was the devil they knew .
3 They knew without being told that this was the chief telegraphist , whose word was law on starboard watch ; knew it without seeing the three brass buttons on either sleeve cuff which pronounced his rank or the lightning-flashed wings on his right arm that told them he was the telegraphist they sought .
4 His about-face once in office pleased economists , but robbed him of his mandate : the voters no longer believed he was the man they had elected .
5 He did so well he has since won three England caps as a midfielder and Liverpool decided he was the man they wanted , although they have tried him back in his striking role in recent games .
6 He was the fellow they all hardly dared Dream they were .
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