Example sentences of "he be [prep] good [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He is of good family ( genus ) , he is articulate , with the command of language necessary for the conduct of affairs in political assemblies and the lawcourts ( ) , and he has pietas , meaning active virtue , a strenuous and selfless pursuit of what he believes to be right .
2 He is of good family , educated , rich and therefore a perfect match .
3 He is on good terms with Bardul , who tactfully does n't refer to his being dead , and will brief the adventurers on this point .
4 He reels off a list of names which shows he is in good company : Graham Gooch , Allan Lamb , David Gower , Ian Botham …
5 Fr Jin has apparently refused — he is in good health despite his age — and is not prepared to admit to any criminal activity to secure his release .
6 ‘ Obviously he does n't train as much as the other players because we want to ensure he is in good condition for matches .
7 She added : ‘ Apart from being devastated about the death of the horse Mr Brooks , he is in good spirits . ’
8 But here , in the heart of rural Stirlingshire and surrounded by the party faithful , he is in good form .
9 ‘ But he is in good form and I certainly would n't receive a severe shock if he were to win even though he is a long way out of the handicap .
10 At least he is in good form again .
11 He 's of good family , and well-educated ! ’ replied Bathsheba angrily .
12 But he says he 's in good company
13 As long as he 's in good hands , his mother wo n't fret .
14 And I can tell from a half-hour 's converse with him that he 's in good hands .
15 It 's a real mystery but he 's in good form now , ’ said Alston .
16 He 's in good form . ’
17 Erm yeah he 's okay , he was he 's in good spirits .
18 I imagine he 's in good health .
19 Well , if he 's in good health I suppose that would be all right .
20 Indeed , his authority in the Loire region derived partly from the ineffectiveness of both royal power ( though he was on good terms with King Robert of France ) and episcopal power ( he was on bad terms with the bishop of Orléans ) .
21 He was on good terms with Marcus , content to know both that they would talk again , and that it was impossible to do so at the moment .
22 He was on good terms with Cenwealh , king of the Thames valley Saxons ( Vita Wilfridi , ch. 7 ) , whose first bishop was Agilbert , a Frank and later bishop of Paris , a Catholic bishop , therefore , observing the customs and practices of the Roman Church .
23 Perhaps the financial strain is reflected in Fitzjohn 's sale of Ringwood Manor ( Hampshire ) for 2,250 marks ; but he was on good terms with Clare , in and after 1267 appearing as a member of his entourage .
24 As a diocesan bishop he was on good terms with his learned and active neighbour Arnulf of Lisieux [ q.v . ] .
25 He was in good fettle , otherwise he would never have traded words with me .
26 He was in good shape and in good heart , and although it was known that he did not run up to his best at Cheltenham , the conditions would suit him much more than those of a year ago and few opposed him .
27 ‘ He is not the most robust horse but I knew he was in good shape .
28 We found he was in good shape , but had no food in his intestines .
29 The gelding show-ed he was in good heart this week by winning at Edinburgh on Thursday .
30 To make things as realistic as possible , the Sergeant Major made sure he was in good voice .
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