Example sentences of "he be [verb] [adv prt] a " in BNC.

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1 He shook his head quickly as if he were warding off a sneeze and concentrated on Jim , whose affable plasticine face now seemed sharper and more ambitious .
2 To that end he is setting up a working group to advise on how to make agricultural legislation less heavy and more rational .
3 The feedback from Alaska is positive and he feels he is taking over a successful concern with a good track record being put in place .
4 He is getting on a bit , he is going grey round the whiskers and has a milky white coat .
5 In this way , the hypnotist is not making me attack against my will , he is conjuring up a set of circumstances in which to attack seems the lesser of two evil courses .
6 He has an injection of concentrated Vitamin B so he can play that night 's gig at CBGB 's , but he is put on a special diet for three weeks — with strictly no drink .
7 Yeah I think he 's dressing up a revolution
8 He 's about my height but he 's filled out a bit since he came here and he has a kind of stoop now which makes him look smaller and older than he is .
9 Stipe sings for the main part in the first person , though it 's unclear if he 's taking on a character or being genuinely autobiographical for the most part .
10 And if your victim happens to be conveniently close to the edge of a tall cliff , by the time he 's bounced down a couple of hundred metres on to the rocks , he 'll be in such a mess that the injury from the blow stands a good chance of being overlooked .
11 Anyway , he sees this fat cunt with some of his mates with some tea — and he 's moved along a bit to the end and he 's pissing down and out through the open bit and its all blowing down on these cunts ’ heads and into their
12 He 's setting up a drumhead court-martial for tomorrow . ’
13 He likes Elland Road , he 's built up a squad that looks like it could develop into a REAL force over the next few years & he 'd be mad to leave for a job where he has a competition every 2 years/a draw 's a bad result/and nobody likes him !
14 There was a man who went off to Amsterdam to buy some diamonds , I helped his secretary book his ticket , first class , and his limousine , smooth as clockwork , and as he 's walking along a canal admiring the house fronts someone stabs him in the back , destroys a kidney , gangrene sets in , now he 's dead .
15 He 's bought up a lot of small UK firms in the past , mostly to close them down ; been the subject of a question in the House .
16 He 's drawn up a route for a walk to the South Pole … of Mars , that is .
17 Last year , you know , totally rat-arsed. now , he 's putting up a list of all the poems he wants us to look at for next week .
18 This time he 's a cyclist he 's a racing cyclist and he 's keeping up a steady twenty .
19 like he does n't know if he 's going on a bit at the moment , he 's just wandering about ,
20 He 's put up a reward for Mahoney 's killer .
21 ‘ O and Jasus , he 's pickin' up a bit of that fancy Brit language ! ’ pipes Patsy , motioning to me .
22 ‘ When he 's cleaned up a bit , he can look quite presentable , ’ she laughed .
23 TROUBLED John Major was accused yesterday of having ‘ little confidence ’ in keeping down interest rates — because he 's taken out a cheap FIXED mortgage .
24 He 's set up a meeting for tomorrow with his financial boys , and I get the impression he 's very keen , but it 's all down to what he wants for the equity investment and how much I 'm prepared to give him . ’
25 He 's set up a fundraising appeal .
26 Travis asked from the fire , where he was setting up a pan of water .
27 In taking refuge with a submerged class , which by its toil serviced the spotlessly clean houses of Dutch society , he was laying down a challenge to his privileged friends and relatives .
28 This was true to the extent that he was acting out a drama of his own inventing , he was the protagonist in a play that was nothing but climaxes and intervals .
29 The 15-year-old , who can not be named , claimed he was acting out a seduction scene in Home And Away when he asked her : ‘ Do you want sex ? ’
30 Corbett slipped and tripped as he was pushed down a flight of steep narrow steps which ran under the keep .
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